Peer-Generated Journal Prompts

For the last four weeks of the journal assignment, the prompts will be generated by you and your fellow classmates. Each week, half the class will post one prompt, providing everyone (including those who posted a prompt) with a total of five prompts to choose from that week.

Everyone will be responsible for posting two times over the next four weeks (see below for deadlines). One of those two prompts should encourage a traditional academic approach to close reading, and the other prompt should encourage a more artistic or performative approach to close reading.

Guidelines for Prompts
  1. Make sure your prompt encourages a clear, feasible, and direct engagement with a specific portion of the course material.
  2. Your prompt can be, and might likely need to be, more than one sentence. Particularly if you provide a creative or performative prompt, make sure you include specific steps; necessary props; and questions for reflection about the creative / performance experience and how the experience affects their engagement with the text.
  3. Please post your prompt to the website.
  4. Title your post “Week ? Prompt – YOUR NAME”
  5. Make sure you check the category box “Peer-generated Prompts” before posting your prompt. Checking this category box will allow other to easily search for your prompt under the “Peer-Generated Prompts” page (located as a drop down menu under “Journal Assignments” under Assignments.)
  6. In addition to posting your prompt to the website, you should also email a copy of your prompt to me AFTER you have posted your prompt on the class site.
Deadlines for Posting Prompt

Week 9: 11/15 – 5:00 pm : Brady, Emma, Olivia, Grace, Alicia

Week 10: 11/22 – 5:00 pm: Allison, Ellie, Mikaela, Katie, Rose

Week 11: 11/29 – 5:00 pm: Brady, Emma, Olivia, Grace, Alicia

Week 12: 12/6 – 5:00 pm: Allison, Ellie, Mikaela, Katie, Rose

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