Tag: US


Blockchain and Copyright: Vain Hope for Photographers?

Jason Kim Blockchain technology has near unlimited application potential, and its influence could extend all the way to the copyright industry. For photographers, blockchain technology might serve as a safe and efficient tool to detect infringement. However, this notion must be treated with caution. Blockchain’s security applications are indeed a valuable prospect, but the technology has critical flaws that prevent it from becoming the panacea for photographer. Read Full Text Here
2018Technology Law

Resolving US-China IP Disputes Through the WTO: A Legal Alternative to Unilateral Sanctions

Stephen Garvey This article examines the United States’ ongoing trade dispute with China regarding Chinese abuses of American intellectual property rights. The U.S. has filed both a complaint against China before the WTO for violation of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS”), and simultaneously imposed a series of unilateral sanctions on Chinese goods, in violation of the WTO Marrakesh Agreement. Imposing illegal sanctions while seeking redress from the WTO undermines the legitimacy of the U.S.’ claims and has provoked retaliatory tariffs. As the TRIPS agreement comprehensively covers the dispute in question, the U.S. should scale...
2017Healthcare Law

Interoperability’s Role in Striving for Precision Medicine

Martha Koroshetz President Obama announced the Precision Medicine Initiative in his 2015 State of the Union address, a research effort to find treatments that are tailored to specific genetic profiles and characteristics. This personalized and context-specific treatment approach will require big data analysis of patient outcomes and their genetic sequence, which must then be accessible and comprehensible to caregivers. The initiative must therefore be able to reconcile genetic data, demographic information, and health information, in the electronic health record. To achieve data interoperability, the organizations engaged in the initiative must confront questions of data privacy, standardize data exchange, and incentivize...
2016Technology Law

Reform of H-1B Visas

Jamin Xu Originally, H-1B visas were intended to allow United States (hereinafter “U.S.”) employers to address shortages of skilled labor in the workplace by temporarily hiring highly skilled foreign workers only when they are unable to obtain employees with needed skills from the U.S. workforce. In the 1990’s, Congress raised the initial cap of 65,000 H-1B visas a year to 115,000 for fiscal years 1999 to 2000, and to 107,500 for fiscal year 2001 to address a shortage of computer science specialists, but there is now a growing number of U.S. workers who are highly skilled in science, technology, engineering,...
2015Trade Secret

The Defend Trade Secrets Act: Arrival of the Trade Secret Trolls?

Stephen Anderson A new bill that is currently facing Congress, the Defend Trade Secrets Act, is aimed at creating a federal private cause of action under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA). It is a bill that will, if passed, expand the EEA to provide federal jurisdiction for the theft of trade secrets. There is no question as to the degree of importance the protection of trade secrets is to United States businesses and society at large. The question is whether the well-intentioned DTSA will actually do more harm than good. There are a substantial number of legal professionals...
2015Healthcare Law

The Daraprim and the Pharmaceutical Pricing Paradox: A Broken System?

Franklin Liu In a recent study by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the average prices for brand-name prescription drugs were found to have increased by an average of 13 percent in 2013, compared to the inflation rate the year of just 1.5 percent. The Daraprim and Cycloserine cases, while extreme illustrations, depict a broader trend of increasing U.S. drug and health care costs to patients. The two manufacturers’ pricing decisions illustrate a longstanding tension in the pharmaceutical industry between the need for firms to recoup the high costs associated with bringing drugs to market and keeping drugs affordable...

The Disruption of the U.S. Constitutional Symmetry of Intellectual Property to Gain Conformity with an International Property Framework: A Road to a Global Market or a Tripping Point to the Gradual Collapse of the U.S. Economy?

John C. Hughs In a spectrum of governments that range from totalitarian (dictator or communism) to tribal (without any central government), there is a unique form that provides a symmetrical balance between the government and the independent inventor; this symmetrical balance produces technological advancement. Once this symmetrical balance is discovered, it allows independent inventors to have secure and unchangeable protection from the federal government that facilitates the courage and mentality to take risks of time, effort and wealth. The willingness of free inventors to take a chance on the free market without government intervention but with inventor controlled government exclusionary...