The Disruption of the U.S. Constitutional Symmetry of Intellectual Property to Gain Conformity with an International Property Framework: A Road to a Global Market or a Tripping Point to the Gradual Collapse of the U.S. Economy?


John C. Hughs

In a spectrum of governments that range from totalitarian (dictator or communism) to tribal (without any central government), there is a unique form that provides a symmetrical balance between the government and the independent inventor; this symmetrical balance produces technological advancement. Once this symmetrical balance is discovered, it allows independent inventors to have secure and unchangeable protection from the federal government that facilitates the courage and mentality to take risks of time, effort and wealth. The willingness of free inventors to take a chance on the free market without government intervention but with inventor controlled government exclusionary protection should be the goal of every patent law system. At one time the United States (U.S.) government held this precise symmetrical balance. The global harmonization of U.S. patent law has initiated a process of destroying that unique, symmetrical, Constitutional balance that fostered the greatest two hundred year period of technical advancement the world has ever known. The goal of the U.S. government has now been shifted to transform the U.S. patent law system into one of many uniform multinational global patent law systems. Given the fact that the 20-year floating patent term was a horrific mistake in terms of the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. economy, will the 18-month publication rule start the U.S. on the road to a global market or continue on past the URAA tripping point to the gradual collapse of the U.S. economy?

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