Tag: patent


A Case for Crying Over Spilled Milk: Dosage and Bioavailability in the Patent Subject Matter Eligibility of Dietary Supplements

Jacqueline Short Dietary supplement use among Americans has become increasingly prevalent following the COVID-19 pandemic. Manufacturers of dietary supplements depend on patents for success in a competitive market. In order to be patent eligible, supplements cannot be too similar to the natural substances from which they derive. The United States Patent and Trademark Office outlines the markedly different characteristics test, which courts use to determine whether supplements are unique enough to receive patents. Yet the patent cases of two supplements, ChromaDex and Natural Alternatives, reveals significant confusion around the role of dosage and bioavailability of supplements under the markedly different characteristics analysis. This...

How Existing Patent Regulations Encourage Competition in the “Super Shoe” Race

Emma McMillan Since Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile barrier in the mid-1950s, the American public has become increasingly obsessed with achieving the impossible. In 2016, the U.S. Patent Office approved Nike’s ground-breaking and controversial patent on its first of many “super shoes,” the Vaporfly, a shoe utilizing a new lightweight foam and carbon fiber plate designed to maximize energy return and enhance running performance. Since then, dozens of other manufacturers have succeeded in developing their own super shoes. Despite this progress, however, critics contend that the approval of Nike’s Vaporfly patent not only threatens the integrity of running as...
2023PatentTechnology Law

Eighty Degrees in Boston, in April: A Problem Best Suited for Intellectual Property?

Alice Yoon Humanity is currently losing the fight against climate change. As temperatures continue to rise, immediate and affirmative action must be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The development and implementation of technology that can mitigate climate change, known as “green technology,” will be critical moving forward. A commonly proposed method for incentivizing the development of green technology is strengthening intellectual property rights for companies who develop such technology. Nevertheless, considering the recent harmful role intellectual property rights played during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is unclear whether emphasizing increased access to patent rights for green technology will actually lead...

Crime and Punishment: Holding Russia Accountable for Weakening Foreign Entities’ Intellectual Property Rights

Eliot Usherenko The Russian government has deliberately weakened intellectual property right protections for entities from “unfriendly countries.” Following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent imposition of economic sanctions by the United States and its allies, the Kremlin launched policies targeting Western businesses as they withdrew from the Russian market. This Article analyzes three potential recourses—bilateral, multilateral, and non-governmental—impacted corporations and individuals could execute to hold Russia accountable for its discriminatory treatment. This Article argues that corporations should form partnerships with their respective governments to promote intergovernmental dialogue through mechanisms such as treaties, as well as undertake litigation in Russia’s...
Blog Post

BLOG POST: The Weak “Non-obvious” Patenting Requirement is Impeding Americans from Obtaining Affordable Pharmaceuticals*

*This writing is a blog post. It is not a published IPTF Journal Article. Sydney Closs A patent grants an inventor the right to exclude others from “making, using, importing, and selling” a patented invention for a specified period of time. 35 U.S.C. § 271. This right allows an innovator to enjoy a limited monopoly over an invention, providing important incentives for innovation. See 35 U.S.C. § 103. Under current patent law, there are five principal requirements for a new innovation to be eligible to receive a patent: (1) patentable subject matter, (2) utility, (3) novelty, (4) non-obviousness, and (5)...

The Supreme Court’s Missed Opportunity to Save Genus Claims in Life Sciences Patents

Alexander Franzosa The life sciences industry is a vital sector of the American economy, and its success is reliant on the protection of patent holder rights. One common feature in life sciences patents is the genus claim, a claim type traditionally allowing the patent holder to claim a group of related species based on common functionality. A novel interpretation of “written description,” a required element for patent applications, has emerged in recent decisions by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. This new interpretation has caused concern among some members of the life sciences industry regarding the validity of...
2022Technology Law

A Comparative Study of Nuclear Reactor Standardization Policy in the United States and France

Margaret Cooney As the United States moves to reduce its carbon footprint, nuclear energy has become an essential energy alternative to fossil fuels. The current U.S. nuclear fleet is aging and will soon be decommissioned, so building new reactors is essential for U.S. energy production needs. In building a new generation of nuclear reactors, the United States may consider looking to France for inspiration. France’s reactor fleet is highly standardized, meaning that there are only a few reactor designs. There are potential benefits and drawbacks to standardization in nuclear technology. Some scholars argue that a policy of standardization would lower...
2021Healthcare LawPatent

Square Peg in a Round Hole: Manipulating Patent Law to Reduce the Prices of Pharmaceutical Products

Jasmine Daniel Pharmaceutical companies are commonly criticized for charging exorbitantly high prices for their products which can make it difficult for many patients to access life-saving drugs. Competitors, such as generic manufacturers, often cannot manufacture cheaper alternatives to these drugs due to strong patents which protect against product copying. Both the Bayh-Dole Act and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) include provisions which allow competitors to circumvent pharmaceutical patent protection under limited circumstances. Although there are instances in which such circumvention is necessary, ambiguities in these statutes allow countries to bypass pharmaceutical patents and encourage production...

Cannabis and Patent Law: Lessons from a Canadian Cannabis Case Study

Katherine Minorini Cannabis is illegal under federal law in the United States, yet individual states have legalized it for both medicinal and recreational use. Additionally, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) routinely issues patents for cannabis-related inventions despite the drug’s federal prohibition. As the prospect of federal legalization becomes more likely, patent protection will play a crucial role in the budding cannabis market. By evaluating Canada’s legal cannabis system, this Essay identifies lessons the United States can take from the Canadian legalization framework. Ultimately, this Essay asserts that the United States should take quick action and legalize cannabis...

Expanding the Patent Eligibility of Diagnostic Tests and Their Methods

Jo-an Chen There is ongoing debate over whether diagnostic tests and their methods should be patent eligible. As it stands today, these tests are largely unpatentable given the restrictive interpretation of patent eligibility laws in the United States. Some argue that patent claims directed to observing a law of nature, such as diagnostic tests, should remain patent ineligible to prevent an inventor from monopolizing basic tools of science. Others argue that diagnostic tests should be patent eligible to incentivize and encourage similar types of socially beneficial discoveries and inventions. This Essay agrees with the policy rationale for expanding the patent...