Tag: international

2023Healthcare Law

A Trip to Inequity: How the TRIPS Agreement Hinders Access to Needed COVID-19 Therapeutics

Ruchita Jain The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on in much of the world, severely affecting the health of millions. But citizens of high-income nations have accepted the pandemic to be over. The key to ending the pandemic globally across all nations is equal and efficient access to necessary COVID-19 therapeutics, including vaccines. This Article argues that least developed nations and their access to COVID-19 therapeutics, including vaccines, is negatively impacted by the TRIPS Agreement. International human rights law and the TRIPS Agreement remain incompatible, leading to disproportionate access of necessary therapeutics as systemic racism is perpetuated. Along with considering...

Crime and Punishment: Holding Russia Accountable for Weakening Foreign Entities’ Intellectual Property Rights

Eliot Usherenko The Russian government has deliberately weakened intellectual property right protections for entities from “unfriendly countries.” Following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent imposition of economic sanctions by the United States and its allies, the Kremlin launched policies targeting Western businesses as they withdrew from the Russian market. This Article analyzes three potential recourses—bilateral, multilateral, and non-governmental—impacted corporations and individuals could execute to hold Russia accountable for its discriminatory treatment. This Article argues that corporations should form partnerships with their respective governments to promote intergovernmental dialogue through mechanisms such as treaties, as well as undertake litigation in Russia’s...
2023Blog Post

BLOG POST: Lessons from the China Initiative: The Perils of Pursuing Foreign Policy Through Prosecutions*

*This writing is a Blog Post. It is not a published IPTF Journal Article. Joshua Nacht One week before Jeff Sessions was fired as Attorney General, he announced the November 2018 creation of the Justice Department’s “China Initiative”.[1] The China Initiative emerged to counter myriad economic and national security threats, including intellectual property (IP) theft, forced technology transfer, cyberespionage of trade secrets and national security information, and efforts to obtain and/or penetrate critical military technology.[2] By some estimates, these PRC-linked efforts cost the United States up to $30 billion a year, and have totaled $600 billion cumulatively.[3]             Under Attorney General...
2022Technology Law

The CCPA: A Bargain for Data Transparency

Sonia Brunstad The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), aims to increase consumer transparency regarding businesses’ use of personal data. Within the bargained-for-exchange relationship between companies and consumers, consumers benefit from data-collecting platforms while unknowingly paying the “price” of sharing personal data. The CCPA assumes that equipping consumers with increased transparency regarding such data-for-service transactions will place consumers in a better bargaining position. In so doing, the CCPA adopts an individualist framework, providing consumers with primarily self-management mechanisms to protect personal data. This essay argues that legislation such as the CCPA may more...
2022Technology Law

Make “Space” for Innovation

John Thurston As space exploration becomes increasingly privatized, archaic regulations based on Cold-War era treaties are proving unduly burdensome—they threaten to hinder private innovation and handicap a great societal benefit. Although space is best regulated through international treaties, Congress can take the lead in ushering global space law into the modern era by establishing preferred, and hopefully influential, standards here in the United States. Congress ought to amend the Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015 to centralize regulatory authority, streamline authorization processes, allocate more risk to the private sector, and proclaim limited support for private property rights in space....

Patentability of COVID-19 Vaccines

Zoë Haggerty In many ways, the COVID-19 crisis has disproportionately affected the most vulnerable and underprivileged members of society. National lockdowns, halted economies, and overburdened hospital systems have significantly exacerbated the obstacles faced by those already financially insecure. In light of these unique and widespread challenges, it is crucial that the marginalized members of society not be neglected as global and domestic health agencies push for efficient vaccine distribution. The implications of patenting COVID-19 vaccines are likely to disadvantage such members unless measures are taken to ensure the accessibility of such vaccines. This Essay explores the options of expanding or...
2020Technology Law

Can the U.S. Government Sanction TikTok Like It Is Iran’s Nuclear Program?

Joe Swain This Essay addresses the legality of the Trump administration’s TikTok app store ban. The ban restricted individual or corporate transactions with TikTok in the United States, effectively banning its continued use in the country by restricting its access to revenue. This Essay analyzes the application of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) to the Trump administration’s actions and explores the resulting case which was decided by the D.C. Circuit. Although the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the IEEPA is restricted from applying to the Chinese platform, it incorrectly interpreted the meaning...
2019Healthcare Law

Use of Benefit Corporations to Accelerate Access to Affordable Vaccines

Julie Bateman Low- and middle-income countries face the heaviest burden from vaccine-preventable diseases, yet many of these countries cannot afford critical vaccines. Vaccines are often protected by patents so that pharmaceutical companies can recoup development costs. Consequently, vaccine manufacturers in developing countries must wait until the patents expire to produce lower-cost generic vaccines. Additionally, when the development of new vaccines relies on existing patents, such development is hindered. Benefit corporations offer an opportunity for the private and public sectors to align interests in accelerating critical vaccine development. Vaccine developers, restructured as benefit corporations, could commit to both special licensing agreements...

Blockchain and Copyright: Vain Hope for Photographers?

Jason Kim Blockchain technology has near unlimited application potential, and its influence could extend all the way to the copyright industry. For photographers, blockchain technology might serve as a safe and efficient tool to detect infringement. However, this notion must be treated with caution. Blockchain’s security applications are indeed a valuable prospect, but the technology has critical flaws that prevent it from becoming the panacea for photographer. Read Full Text Here
2018Technology Law

Resolving US-China IP Disputes Through the WTO: A Legal Alternative to Unilateral Sanctions

Stephen Garvey This article examines the United States’ ongoing trade dispute with China regarding Chinese abuses of American intellectual property rights. The U.S. has filed both a complaint against China before the WTO for violation of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS”), and simultaneously imposed a series of unilateral sanctions on Chinese goods, in violation of the WTO Marrakesh Agreement. Imposing illegal sanctions while seeking redress from the WTO undermines the legitimacy of the U.S.’ claims and has provoked retaliatory tariffs. As the TRIPS agreement comprehensively covers the dispute in question, the U.S. should scale...