Fragmented Data Privacy Laws: Time for Federal Legislation
Lydia Rudden Federal data privacy legislation is necessary to safeguard consumer data against privacy breaches by tech companies with increasingly intrusive data practices. In 2018, California pioneered its own comprehensive data privacy legislation, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Currently, with nearly half of U.S. states in the process of formulating their own digital privacy laws, businesses are struggling to maintain compliance, causing financial difficulties and harming innovation. Piecemeal state legislation also leaves consumers with disparate protection depending on where they live. Without a comprehensive and uniform federal law, Big Tech lobbyists shift their focus to securing industry-friendly regulations from...
The Antitrust Alphabet: Amazon, Buy Box, and Competition
Nathaniel DeMelis Eighty-three percent of sales made on come from the “Buy Box” system. This website feature has come under increased scrutiny in the State of California and the United Kingdom. Both jurisdictions have sued Amazon, citing that Amazon’s Buy Box is anticompetitive and harms consumers at large. This Article considers the parallel lawsuits Amazon is facing and examines the different antitrust enforcement mechanisms and policy motivations in both California and the United Kingdom. Ultimately, this Article suggests that the California courts will find the Buy Box to be anticompetitive, due largely to their willingness to diverge from the federal consumer-welfare...
“Your Honor, the Car Crashed Itself”: Navigating Autonomous Vehicle Liability in an Age of Innovation
Julia Doskoch Autonomous vehicles are increasingly permeating the consumer marketplace. This trend has caused a conundrum in tort liability law. It is standard in product liability law for manufacturers to be held strictly liable for defective products, but there is a gray area when autonomous vehicles are involved in car accidents due to defects. This Article dissects various proposals concerning how the legal system should proceed regarding autonomous vehicle liability. This Article also advocates for federal regulation to define the legal personhood of autonomous vehicles in the eyes of the law. Read Full Text Here
Make “Space” for Innovation
John Thurston As space exploration becomes increasingly privatized, archaic regulations based on Cold-War era treaties are proving unduly burdensome—they threaten to hinder private innovation and handicap a great societal benefit. Although space is best regulated through international treaties, Congress can take the lead in ushering global space law into the modern era by establishing preferred, and hopefully influential, standards here in the United States. Congress ought to amend the Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015 to centralize regulatory authority, streamline authorization processes, allocate more risk to the private sector, and proclaim limited support for private property rights in space....
A Comparative Study of Nuclear Reactor Standardization Policy in the United States and France
Margaret Cooney As the United States moves to reduce its carbon footprint, nuclear energy has become an essential energy alternative to fossil fuels. The current U.S. nuclear fleet is aging and will soon be decommissioned, so building new reactors is essential for U.S. energy production needs. In building a new generation of nuclear reactors, the United States may consider looking to France for inspiration. France’s reactor fleet is highly standardized, meaning that there are only a few reactor designs. There are potential benefits and drawbacks to standardization in nuclear technology. Some scholars argue that a policy of standardization would lower...
Health-Tech Apps: Unclear Regulations and Their Effects on Progress
Emily Dieli The increased emphasis on creating a more streamlined healthcare system in the United States has led to a rise in digital health-tech apps and devices. To protect the privacy of personal health data on these technologies, policymakers have turned towards regulation. The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent statement on the Health Breach Notification (HBN) Rule has extended the scope of the 2009 regulation to include previously unregulated health-tech entities. Nevertheless, the statement is vague and will have a negative impact on health-tech innovation. Policymakers should consider the implications of their regulations on health-tech progress before making such hasty...
Regulating the Unregulatable: The Digital Commodity Exchange Act’s Use- Based Approach to Cryptocurrency Regulation
Becky Powell Since the creation of Bitcoin in 2008, the cryptocurrency market has grown exponentially and remained relatively free from government oversight. Only within the last five years have federal agencies begun to regulate the risks the industry poses. Their response to date, though, has been piecemeal because they lack explicit, statutory jurisdiction over the industry. As a result, the cryptocurrency market faces several risks that threaten to derail its future growth. For one, the industry is a playground for criminal activity, including everything from money laundering to fraud to cyberattacks. The market is also extremely volatile, and consumers have...
Cannabis and Patent Law: Lessons from a Canadian Cannabis Case Study
Katherine Minorini Cannabis is illegal under federal law in the United States, yet individual states have legalized it for both medicinal and recreational use. Additionally, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) routinely issues patents for cannabis-related inventions despite the drug’s federal prohibition. As the prospect of federal legalization becomes more likely, patent protection will play a crucial role in the budding cannabis market. By evaluating Canada’s legal cannabis system, this Essay identifies lessons the United States can take from the Canadian legalization framework. Ultimately, this Essay asserts that the United States should take quick action and legalize cannabis...
The Case for Prohibiting the Sale of Individual Genetic Testing Data to Third Parties
Nathaniel Jaffe Genetic technology is getting cheaper, and millions of individuals are using direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC-GT) services. At the same time, the scientific understanding of genetics is improving, making sequencing information more valuable for predictive medicine, research, forensics, and many other fields. In turn, genetic information has become more valuable for third parties like insurers, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies. DTC-GT providers are in a position to provide increasingly low-cost services to a growing consumer base, while stockpiling data of increasing commercial value. The sale of genetic data threatens the privacy of the individuals who provided it and opens them...
The Reimagined Schoolyard: Cryptocurrency’s Adoption in Tomorrow’s International Monetary Order
Stephen Wilks This Article looks to specific periods in the socio-legal history of money to make a series of predictive statements about cryptocurrency’s contemporary impact. New forms of currency have been more consequential than simply solving narrowly defined problems. They have shaped relationships between technology and government’s expansionary aims to produce important structural arrangements – sometimes at the cost of disrupting incumbent ones. In the prehistoric era, commodity based forms of money gave way to metal coins and systems of exchange that facilitated trade expansion and would eventually express political power in their physical design. The large-scale circulation of paper...