Edwin’s thesis

In Heads of the Colored People by Nafissa Thompson Spires, Riley and Brother Man, who are two young black men, get shot by the police after a violent altercation between them, knowing that neither of the two men were armed. This event in the text can easily be interpreted as police brutality toward black people.…

Thesis Workshop

1 – What’s the object? Is there a specific object (about which the statement makes a claim)? Is the object a textual element? Is it clear and discrete? Is it appropriately focused? 2 What’s the claim? Is there a claim? Is the claim about the object? Is the claim clear and cogent? Is the scope…

Carlton Thesis

Within the short story, “First Day”, the experience of the characters demonstrates discontent created by racial profiling. As the mother and her daughter visit each school their respective interactions are juxtaposed with one an other in order to exemplify how some people make prejudices based on race. While this hate may seem subtle, the author…

Skewed Views

Throughout Thomas Glave’s story And Love Them, the narrator is close minded and judges the black people in her life based off of preconceived stereotypes. Her close mindedness leads her to make inaccurate generalizations, seen when she deems a black man to be threatening in a safe situation. Through the narrator’s conscience, language and setting,…

A Rocky Start

The short story “The First Day,” written by Edward P. Jones, details the experience of a young African-American girl and her mother on their way to the first day of school. However, their first day does not go so smoothly. Throughout the course of the story, the girl and her mother encounter multiple challenges that…

Hair of Dreams

In “Oh she gotta head fulla hair” by Ntozake Shange, the protagonist Allegra uses her hair for a sense of comfort by escaping to an alternate reality. The author depicts Allegra’s action of brushing her hair to cause objects such as a brick house and fancy soap to come out of her head. These objects…

The power of hair as protection

In Ntozake Shange’s “oh she gotta head fulla hair”, Allegra’s hair is her protection. Allegra’s hair allows her to live in a world full of her dreams by growing objects from her hair. This allows Allegra to live in a world of her desires, which she brushes in order to uphold. Shange illustrates this connection…