Zoom Etiquette

“Camera’s On”

Please note that the expectation is that you will have your videos on during any class session or office you attend virtually. If you need to mute your video for some reason, you must make a formal request to me prior to the start of class. If you are participating with a muted video, you will need to find other ways to communicate your active listening and participation since we will not be able to receive your facial expressions or bodily gestures as meaningful contributions to the conversation.

I reserve the right to mark you as absent if you keep your video on mute without making a formal request and/or finding additional ways to meaningfully contribute to the class.*

The only exception to the “videos on” policy is if a student needs to take a brief recess from visual participation as a self care measure. From time to time, we may engage a sensitive text or a topic that can trigger strong feelings. If you need to temporarily mute your video for the purposes of psychological/emotional self care and/or to regain your composure, you may do so. If you need to mute your video for more than a few moments, I ask that you follow up with me after class.

* This policy is in addition to the attendance policy on virtual attendance. Please remember that in order to get full credit for virtually attending an otherwise in-person class session, you must provide documentation of your illness and/or directive to quarantine or isolate. If you do not provide such documentation, your virtual attendance will count as a tardy (four of which equal an unexcused absence). I also reserve the right t