Boston College participates strongly in the renewed pilgrim spirit of its Jesuit tradition. Faculty members do research on pilgrimage. Our people are also on the move. With the increased accessibility to travel in today’s global economy, distant pilgrimages are more possible than ever. The diverse pilgrim experiences of our Boston College community reflect the deeply personal nature of pilgrimage; for each person, a pilgrim journey takes a different shape. Many Jesuits on campus have done a pilgrimage during their novitiate. A select group of undergraduates of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences walk the Camino – or an alternative route – as part of course. Intersections and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality bring faculty and staff on the Compañía Pilgrimage in Spain and Rome. The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies leads their professional students in the Footsteps of Leaders.
Pilgrims from these different constituencies, students, staff, faculty, and administrators, were invited to share a narrative or an image that captures a fruit of their own pilgrim experience. The following are some of their stories. You are welcome to follow the path or choose an individual experience: