The original Ignatian Narratives of Pilgrimage was a physical exhibit held in Boston College’s Theology and Ministry Library. This digital representation seeks to provide a space for the exhibit to live on and serve as a source for those wanting to learn about this fascinating topic.
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Boston College Libraries
Intersections and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality
The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies
Curator: André Brouillette, SJ
Assistant: Madison Lessard
Exhibit Graphic Design: Leea Stroia
Website Design: Melanie Hubbard
Consultant: Bart Geger, SJ
Exhibit text from:
Brouillette, André. “The Modern Pilgrim: Identity and Formation in the Testament of Ignatius of Loyola.” In The Pilgrim Paradigm: Faith in Motion, 89-125. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2021.
Brouillette, André. “(Re)creating a Pilgrimage: A Century of Pilgrimage Reports from Jesuit Novices in Canada (1864-1968).” International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 9, no 2 (2021) Article 9: 63-72.
Thank you to our collaborators and contributors, Les Archives desjésuites au Canada / The Archive of the Jesuits in Canada; the 30 BC pilgrims who shared their experience in words and images; and to Stephen Dalton for welcoming the physical installation of this exhibit in BC’s Theology and Ministry Library.