SFA Project Proposal (Due 11/10)

You may email me your responses directly as a Word document, but I encourage you to post your project check-ins to the class site.* Doing so facilitates the feedback loop and also allows you to get a sense of how other groups are tackling similar or related issues.

Project Overview

  1. Briefly describe your tentative ideas for the content of your final project: (I.e. a abstract for a conference paper; general summary of the mock narrative or an outline for the arch of the podcast interview).
  2. Describe the two primary reasons motivating your interest in the above content.

Central Question & Objectives

  1. What key idea, question, tension, and/or theme from the course does your group wish to explore in this final project?
  2. What about this idea, question, tension, and/or theme interests your group? Why will it be your focus?
  3. Identify two subsidiary ideas, questions, tensions, and/or themes within that key idea, question, tension, and/or theme that you wish to engage in particular?

Course Engagement

  1. What texts from the syllabus do you plan to center the project around?
  2. What in particular do you plan to examine in this text? And why?
  3. How does your intended examination of this particular text relate to one or more of the key ideas, questions, tensions, and/or themes explored in this course?
  4. How does centering this text especially help you meet the goals you describe in the first section?

Medium / Form / Genre

  1. What medium / form will you employ to explore these texts?
  2. Please describe the use(s) for which this medium / form is most typically employed (i.e. scholarly, pedagogical, political, historical, artistic, etc.).
  3. Why have you chosen to use this particular form / medium?
  4. How does this medium/ form (as opposed to other forms) aid your goals? Please spend time speculation on how an alternative form / medium might affect your goals differently.
  5. Describe the more particular formal / generic conventions you imagine employing (e.g. Persuasive Essay based on close reading or a lesson plan for a proposed course as opposed to a lesson plan for next week’s class).
  6. How do you imagine the formal / generic conventions you use will aid your above-stated goals (as opposed to other formal /generic conventions)? Please spend time speculating the possible affects of using other generic conventions.

Background & Research

  1. What, if any, background information might you need to complete your project?
  2. What type of source materials might you need to consult in order to complete your project?
  3. What, if any, background information will you need to provide in order for your audience to engage your project fully?
  4. What sources have you consulted at this point in the project?


  1. Who do you imagine to be your audience (other than the professor)?
  2. Why have you selected this particular audience?
  3. What does this particular audience need in order to hear you and appreciate what you’re trying to communicate?
  4. How do your choice of medium / form / genre likely to resonate with this audience?
  5. What, if any, supplemental source material will your audience need in order to engage your project fully?
  6. What, if any, prerequisite supplies, readings, skills, or activities will your audience need in order to fully participate in your project?

Proposed Timeline & Methods

  1. Briefly describe your tentative ideas for the overarching form and content of your final project: (I.e. a general summary of the mock narrative or an outline for the arch of the podcast interview).Briefly describe how you plan to realize this project.
  2. Indicate at least 6 key steps necessary to complete this project.
  3. List 3 major production dates (deadlines) BEFORE Thanksgiving.
  4. Identify space, technology, and/or material resources you may need.


  1. List two questions that YOU need to answer at this point in order to proceed with this project?
  2. What questions do you have FOR ME at this point about the assignment in general and/or your project ideas in particular?

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