Celie & Sofia: Blackness as Repression Released

Drawing on Professor Curseen’s theory from last class — that blackness gets defined differently in The Color Purple — I wanted to investigate how blackness represents itself between Sofia and Celie. The dialog between Sofia and Celie, as well as their interactions with Miss Millie’s family, identify blackness as something other than the conflict of…

Oh, like Basquiat!

Black artists and intellectuals continue to grapple with Enlightenment style elitism by adopting and inserting themselves within the tropes of the mainstream, thereby subverting and stretching definitions of existence. Glover’s Danny is a quintessential hipster character of this millennial era: a la Hannah in Girls or Vincent Chase in Entourage. Each episode of Atlanta, much…

Ahmad White and the Path(s) to Success

Gilroy mentions Marshall Berman’s return to the South Bronx and sees how “the breakdancers and graffitists that he observes moving across the shadows of that desolate urban landscape are not so easily to be claimed for the overarching modernism he seeks to affirm” (Gilroy 47). There is much difficulty to locate where we see modernism…