This course explores the relationship between black political movements and black expressive and artistic movements. We will think about the relationship between blackness, corporeality, sociality, and the movement of everyday life. We will examine instances of black freedom movements from 1800s onward with an attention to the role and articulation of black physical movement, including the cramped cargo-movement of Henry Box Brown’s escape; freedom workshops on falling for Civil Rights marches to the important matter of bodies in the street for “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations. We will focus on how the embodied nature of black political movements serves both as a way of fighting for political inclusion and as an alternative way of relating and living that renders the desirability of inclusion into the exclusive structures of American society altogether questionable.
On this site, you should find all the information you need for this course.
From the the home page, you will find:
- – Easy access to the Course Schedule, Assignment Descriptions, and Historical background.
- – Links to the most recent posts (i.e. “announcements”) on the right column of the page.
- – A table with basic course information on the right hand page.
From the top menu bar, you can access
- – Course schedule (click on “Schedule”)
- – Assignments guidelines by assignment (use the drop down menu “Assignments”)
- – Announcements by category (Use the dropdown menu “Announcements”)
- – Course policies by topic (Use the dropdown menu “Policies”)
In order to use this site you must:
- Click on the invitation link which you can find on Canvas or in the class email I sent.
- Navigate to the course site url “sites.bc.edu/blackmovements
- Sign in with your BC logon credentials. If you’ve already recently used your logon credentials, you may not need to enter them until your session expires. You can log in by clicking “log in” or “sign in” on the right side of the page below the search bar and archive tool.