Jamaica Kincaid’s “Blackness”

“Blackness” is a short story written by Antiguan writer Jamaica Kincaid. The story consists of the narrator, a black woman, describing her identity in relation to a certain “blackness” that consumes her within her vivid imagination. The narrator begins to picture her daughter, a transparent figure that has dominance over Earth’s features that were previously…

“Backwacking” and Bias

Backwacking, a Plea to the Senator is a fictional text published in 1977 by Ralph Ellison.  Ellison’s text is formatted as a letter from Norm A. Mauler, a white Alabama citizen, to Senator Sunraider. In his letter, Mauler calls for action against “Backwacking” – a physical, seemingly sexual action performed by black males. Mauler condemns…

Internal Conflict in “And Love Them?”

And Love Them? is a short story written by the black American author, Thomas Glave. Published in 2000, Glave writes through the perspective of a white, New York City business woman, emphasizing her ambivalence towards her experiences with black people. Her monologue depicts an attempt to justify her bigotry through recollection of interactions with black…

A “Concerned Citizen’s” Plea

Backwacking, a Plea to the Senator was published in 1977 by Ralph Ellison but takes place in 1953 in Alabama. This piece is formatted as a letter to Senator Sunraider from a white resident of Alabama concerned about a new activity in the black community taking place called backwacking. Although somewhat unclear in the description,…

White Rat

White Rat is a short story written by Gayl Jones in 1977. The White Rat is told through a narrator who is known to many of his close friends as the “white rat”, and this is because of his very white skin color while being an African-America. The short story details the White Rat’s relationship…

White Rat

The short story “White Rat,” written by Gayl Jones in 1977, details the complex relationship of a very fair skinned African-American man, who we know as “White Rat,” and his wife, Maggie. The couple has a son together, “little Henry,” and we know that he has a clubbed foot, which is the root of much…