Sage Research Methods

SRM Datasets is a collection of data exemplar in a variety of disciplines, to support teaching and learning about data collection and analysis. Each project includes the researchers’ notes on the reasoning behind their methodology along with an example from the researcher’s original data set. For more information, contact Adam Williams, Social Work Librarian.

Early Feminist Publications: The Lily, National Citizen and Ballot Box, and the Revolution

This database provides access to key 19th century American feminist newspapers and journals. The Revolution was the official publication of the National Woman Suffrage Association, lead by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. For more information, contact Leslie Homzie, Senior Research Librarian/Bibliographer.

Colonial America

A major digital collection of largely manuscript material, Colonial America will, when completed, consist of 1,450 volumes of files held at The National Archives in London. It provides a variety of ways of exploring its contents, including Data Associations which allows the user to identify and explore the most common persons, places or keywords occurring in documents written by a particular person, written in a particular place, or containing a certain keyword.


Try Scopus, a multidisciplinary research tool, now at Boston College in 2016. Covering journal articles, books, patents and more, use it to research the literature, but also to analyze and visualize research productivity and trends, by topic, author, institution and more. Also compare journals with its built-in comparison tool.

Aside Test

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