Summer O’Neill Improvements

We’ve spent the summer making the library a better place for research and collaboration.

O'Neill Library Level 3 Lobby with video wall display about reference desk

As usual, we spent the summer making noise and dust in order to make O’Neill a better place for research and collaboration.

You’ll notice new chairs on the 4th and 5th floors.  More than half of the original chairs were replaced with updated desk chairs and lounge seating.  We expect this will help you study even longer in the library.

On the third floor, power poles were installed at most of the group study tables.  This was made possible using very thin under-carpet power strips and should eliminate the need for most of those extension cords that crisscrossed the aisles, tripping anyone who tried to walk while texting.

New outlets found in O'Neill's level 3

New carpet was also installed on the third floor.  Although we have many fond memories of the old stained carpet, there were few tears when it went away.

A three-panel video wall was installed above the Reference Desk in O’Neill Library.  While similar to the monitors elsewhere in the library and on campus, the video wall allows content to be displayed on separate screens or across multiple screens.  The intent is to display the many ways that information is available, whether via live TV, web streams, data visualizations, or other video content.  This is the first video wall installed at BC, so we’re excited to explore the possibilities.  If you have suggestions for interesting content, please let us know.

O'Neill Library Level 3 Lobby with video wall display about reference desk

Behind the scenes (or rather walls and ceiling), cabling is being installed for additional security cameras and electronic door locks.  We don’t care to know if you are sleeping or awake, but we do want O’Neill be a safe place for everyone to work.

Finally, a new vending machine will soon be added on the 1st floor that will dispense office supplies, headphones, cables, etc.  We worked with the Bookstore to identify the most commonly purchased items, and they will continue to evaluate what gets purchased and stock the machine with the most essential items.

We hope that all of these changes will help to make O’Neill library even more welcoming, comfortable, and usable for everyone who studies here.

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