DeShaun’s Voice is Like A House of Popsicle Sticks

The first section of Tayari Jones’s Leaving Atlanta contains instances of child-like paraphernalia that are realized through the characters’ voices. The descriptions of the voices are not phrases commonly used. When talking about the fictional creature with Tasha, DeShaun says “‘You could tell me. I won’t tell anybody.’ DeShaun’s voice collapsed like a house made…

Tasha’s TV

The role of the t.v in part one of Tayari Jones’ Leaving Atlanta is not a large presence, however, it is an insightful one. Once it becomes present in the kitchen, it becomes a participant at the dinner table, setting the tone and filling their stomachs with emotions. Readers understand Tasha and her sister Deshaun…

“Only Words Can Undo Words”: Focus on the power of words in “Leaving Atlanta” and future follow up research questions

“”Shh…” said Mama. “I know. you don’t have to talk about it.” She rocked [Daddy] like a grumpy baby. “Mama, let him say it,” Tasha whispered. Only words can undo words. Kids say that to take something back you have to say it backward. Like a filmstrip run the wrong way. Die you hope I.…