TAF Network , RöporTAF, (March 17, 2017) Video (Turkish)
CNN Turk TV , Türkiye’nin Bilim Öncüleri (Science Pioneers of Turkey) , (Summer 2016) Video (Turkish)
TÜBITAK Bilim Genç Magazini (Science Youth Magazine), Söyleşi , Mehmet Sığırcı (August 22, 2014) (Turkish)
Snapshot, Portrait , “Economist applies matching theory for organ transplants, school choice ,” The University of Pittsburgh Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, (June 2014, Issue 15)
Boston College Magazine , “Matchmakers ,” Charles Radin (Spring 2014) , “Serbest Siyasa Söyleşileri – VI: Tayfun Sönmez ve M. Utku Ünver ,” (April 8, 2013) (Turkish)
The BC Chronicle , “BC Economists’ Work Cited by Nobel Committee ,” Ed Hayward (October 18, 2012)
Hürriyet Newspaper , News , Nuran Çakmakçı (October 28, 2012) (Turkish)
SkyTurk TV , News, (October 2012) Video (Turkish)
Authored: Hürriyet Education “Eğitim ve Piyasa Tasarımı,” (“Education and Market Design”) M. Utku Ünver (October 12, 2012) (Turkish)
Authored: Ekoform Magazine “Mekanizma ve Piyasa Tasarımı: Ekonomik ve Sosyal Krizler ve Mikroekonomik Çözüm Önerileri,” (“Mechanism and Market Design: Economic and Social Crises and Microeconomic Solution Suggestions”) M. Utku Ünver, No: 2, 2010 (Turkish)
Mention: Time , “Falling for the Job ,” David Zax, (September 16, 2013)
Mention: The Economist , “Game, Set and Match ,” in Free Exchange Column, Gregg Ip (October 20, 2012)
Liver Paired Exchange
Anadolu News Agency , “Turkish academics’ innovative cross-liver transplantation system saving lives” , Yeter Edirne (September 12, 2023) (Turkish )
AAAS Eureka Alert, “Paired liver exchange developed by Boston College economists results in first four-way liver exchange ” (August 22, 2023)
Sarkaç , Official Media Outlet of Science Academy Turkey, “Karaciğer nakillerinde bir devrimin hikâyesi ” (“The Story of a Revolution in Liver Transplants”), Defne Üçer Şaylan, Tayfun Sönmez ve Utku Ünver (August 31, 2023)
BC Heights , “BC Economists Develop First Four-Way Liver Exchange ,” Lucy Freeman (September 3, 2023)
Ekonomim , “İki Türk ekonomist ‘çapraz işlem’le karaciğer naklinde fark yarattı ” (“Two Turkish economists made a difference with exchange in liver transplants”), Vedat Munyar (August 24, 2023)
ANKA News Agency , “Malatya’da İnönü Üniversitesi Karaciğer Nakli Enstitüsü 4’lü Çapraz Nakil Ameliyatı Yaptı ” (“Malatya Inonu University Liver Transplant Institute Conducted 4-way Liver Exchange”), (July 28, 2023)
Allocating Scarce Medical Resources
Reserve Systems in Covid-19 Vaccine and Therapeutics Allocation
STAT , “Disadvantage indices can help achieve equitable vaccine allocation ,” Harald Schmidt (February 1, 2021)
The BC Chronicle, “A ‘reserve’ system can equitably allocate COVID-19 vaccine ,” Ed Hayward (December 2020/February 25, 2021)
The Boston Globe , “In the rush to roll out vaccines, commitment to social and racial justice must not fall by the wayside ,” in Opinion, Harald Schmidt and Ruqaiijah Yearby (December 8, 2020)
Associated Press , “Vaccine rollout could ease crisis, but who gets it first? ” Carla K. Johnson and Nicky Forster (December 3, 2020)
The New York Times , “Will the Hardest-Hit Communities Get the Coronavirus Vaccine? ” Gina Kolata (October 30, 2020)
The New York Times , “Who Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine First? Here’s One Idea ,” Gina Kolata (July 23, 2020)
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy News , “Only half of US states have ventilator allocation guidelines ,” Mary Van Beusekom (June 22, 2020)
Medium , “The Coming Big Rationing ,” Joshua Gans (May 22, 2020)
The Wall Street Journal , “Hospitals Are Rationing Remdesivir ,” Melanie Evans and Joseph Walker (May 22, 2020)
MIT News , “Who gets ventilator priority?” Peter Dizikes (May 13, 2020)
Bloomberg , “Why Science Won’t Ace Its Covid-19 Test ,” in the Science and Technology Section, Arial Procaccia (April 18, 2020)
Freakonomics Radio , “Who Gets a Ventilator? ” Stephen J. Dubner (April 15, 2020)
The BC Chronicle , “Reserve system” could help to address COVID-19 ventilator crisis ,” Ed Hayward (April 2020)
Bloomberg , “Markets Can Improve Rationing of Medical Supplies ,” in the Economics Section, Scott Duke Kominers (April 10, 2020)
I ncreasing Covid-19 Convalescent Plasma Supply
The Wall Street Journal , “Blood Banks Face a Generation Gap in Giving ,” Amy Dockser Marcus (July 22, 2020)
The BC Chronicle , “Increasing COVID-19 plasma donations ,” Ed Hayward (July, 2020)
Medium , “The Coming Big Rationing, ” Joshua Gans (May 22, 2020)
Marginal Revolution , “Incentivizing Plasma Donation for Convalescent Therapy ,” Alex Tabarrok (May 20, 2020)
Bloomberg , “How to End the Plasma Shortage for Coronavirus Patients ,” in the Technology and Ideas Section, Scott Duke Kominers (May 11, 2020)
Kidney Paired Exchange
BBC News , “How an economist helped thousands get a new kidney, ” Ian Rose (December 17, 2019)
Quartz , “How AI changed organ donation in the US,” Corinne Purtill (September 10, 2018)
Authored: Renaliz , “Çapraz ve Zincir Canlı Donör Böbrek Takasları ve Türkiye’ye Kazandırabilecekleri ,” M. Utku Ünver (September 2016) vol: 59, page: 16 (Turkish)
Mashable , “Big Data’s Effect on Organ Transplant Wait Lists ,” Eli Epstein (July 23, 2014)
Boston College Alumni and Parents , The Economics of Hope, Video (March 2014)
Hürriyet Newspaper , “Ekonomi profesörü `böbrek havuzu’ problemini çözdü ,” (“Economics professor solved the kidney `pool problem’ “) in Turuncu Section, Mesude Erşan (January 11, 2014) (Turkish)
The New York Times , “60 Lives, 30 Kidneys, All Linked ,” Kevin Sack (February 12, 2012)
Dünya Newspaper , “Amerika’da Sağlık Sistemini Değiştiren Türkler ,” (“Turks who have made changes in the American health system”), Ela Erozan (August 24, 2010) (Turkish)
CBS Evening News , “Paying it forward one kidney at a time ,” (March 12, 2009) , “Donation chain has led to 10 kidney transplants ,” Anne Harding (March 11, 2009)
The BC Chronicle , “BC Economist Examines the ‘Matching Market’ of Kidney Exchange: New Computer Models Aid Kidney Transplant Patients ,” Ed Hayward (March/12/2009) From Eureka Alert!
The Financial Times, “Undercover Economist: Stakes in Kidneys ,” Tim Harford (July 13, 2007)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette , “Paired donations give organ transplants a brighter future,” Mark Roth (May 09, 2007)
The New York Times Magazine , “Flesh Trade: Why Not Let People Sell Their Organs?” in the Freakonomics Section, Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner (July 09, 2006)
The Harvard Crimson , “Database Expedites Organ Donation, “ Patrick S. Lahue (March 15, 2006)
National Science Foundation , “Kidney Exchange: A Life-Saving Application of Matching Theory” in Discoveries
CNN Turk TV, News (August 13, 2004) (Turkish)
The Wall Street Journal , “Easing the Kidney Shortage ,” in Capital Column, David Wessel (June 17, 2004)
The Boston Globe , “Cross-donor system planned for region’s kidney patients ,” Scott Allen (May 6, 2004)
Lung Paired Exchange
Affirmative Action and Law
Design of Sports Competitions: Penalty Shootouts
Room Assignment-Rent Division
Unraveling in Matching Markets