
Below are a compilation of webinars given by DevTech researchers and alumni on early childhood education with a focus on technology.



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Pulled Up Short: Can coding make us more human? 

Marina Bers featured on the Pulled Up Short podcast; Bers offers an alternative vision of coding as an ethical enterprise, which provides an opening to better contemplate our own humanity – our values, relationships, and understanding across differences

MIT Washington DC Club

Marina Bers speaks on her book Beyond Coding: How Children Learn Values through Programming to the MIT DC Club and MIT Press Book Club

II Congreso de Educación Digital

Marina Bers speaks on Computational Thinking for the Ministry of Education in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Scratch Conference 2021

Researchers from DevTech Research Group present on ScratchJr and the CAL Curriculum

ECT Series

ECT Application Workshop: Funding your Graduate Education

ECT Series

A Year Into COVID: An ECT Panel on the Changing Role of Technology and STEAM Learning in Young Children’s Lives.

Virtual ScratchJr Event 2021

Prof. Marina Bers introduces the CAL Curriculum and ScratchJr Connect!

Dean’s Inclusion and Equity Speaker Series: Marina Bers

University of California Irvine’s School of Education Speaker Series Features Prof. Bers

Coding as a Playground – Exploring Early Childhood Coding

A discussion with Marina Bers.

Fill out a quick registration to view the recording!

New Frontiers in K-12 CS Education

Marina Bers (1:17-1:27) speaks to the Department of Education for CS Ed Week

Arduino Eduvision

A discussion about the importance of coding with Marina Bers

Developing Computational Thinking in Early Childhood

A discussion with Marina Bers

Engagement Strategies

Webinar featuring Dr. Marina Bers and Dr. Merredith Portsmore, moderated by Dr. Amanda Strawhacker

ECT Series

Round Table: A discussion to address questions related to early childhood technology.

ECT Series

Makerspaces: Resources and suggestions for creating an at home makerspace.

Limudei Code-Esh Project

Webinar featuring Prof. Marina Umaschi Bers and Rachel Viselman on the Limudei Code-Esh curriculum units that integrate coding, robotics and computational thinking with Jewish Holidays.

ECT Series

Unplugged Activities: Resources for activities that do not require electronic technology.

ECT Series

How to Talk to Your Kids Without Giving Them the Answer: Discussion, activities, and resources for adults to encourage creative thinking and problem solving.

ECT Series

KIBO at Home: Tips and activities for using KIBO at home.

ECT Series

ABC’s of STEAM: Tips and resources for early childhood STEAM activities at home.

ECT Series

ScratchJr at Home: Tips and activities for using ScratchJr at home.

Young Learners, Technology and Learning at Home

A Conversation with Dr. Marina Umaschi Bers

La pensée informatique dans la petite enfance 

Marina Bers speaks on Computational Thinking in Early Childhood (French)

Webinar Programar Jugando

Ideas para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional con Marina Bers

White House Symposium on Early STEM

Marina Bers speaks at the 2016 White House Symposium

Marina Umaschi Robótica

Interview with Marina Bers (Spanish)

Young programmers – think playgrounds not playpens

TEDx Talk with Marina Bers