Welcome to SpedEx Consultation

We have added “Consultation” to our name to better explain what we do. Sometimes you want mediation or a hearing to resolve your IEP dispute, but often you can use a SpedEx Consultation to resolve it yourselves.

  • We are an IEP dispute resolution option in Massachusetts when you have a rejected IEP.
  • Free to schools and families.

We are still accepting cases. –Please use the “contact” link to ask.

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About SpedEx Consulting

SpedEx Consultation is a dispute resolution option available in certain cases after an IEP has been rejected, or if a mediation or hearing request has been filed. We help families and schools resolve disputes concerning free and appropriate public education (FAPE) or the least restrictive environment (LRE).

SpedEx Consultation is an on-going experimental project. Requests for this option may be made after an IEP has been rejected, or if mediation or a hearing request has been filed. Requests will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. SpedEx is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). However, SpedEx operates independent of the DESE.

Accepting Applications Now

A SpedEx consultation may be used instead of mediation or a hearing (however, you may always return to those options). Schools and families jointly select their own SpedEx Consultant. The SpedEx Consultant reviews evidence and makes recommendations on how to meet FAPE and LRE. Family and School decide how to resolve their dispute. Over 80% of SpedEx cases result in a signed IEP.

SpedEx Consulting Is:

  • designed to assure that a child receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE);
  • voluntary and will build trust between parents and schools;
  • expedientSpedEx provides a jointly agreed-upon independent SpedEx Consultant to review evidence and advise the parties on a program to provide FAPE and LRE so they may resolve their own dispute.
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