
Dr. Cordes is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Boston College. Research in her lab centers on the development of quantity concepts and social influences of math learning.

You can find more detailed information about Dr. Cordes on her personal page.

Postdoc – Isabelle Boni

Isabelle is interested in various branches of mathematical cognition including verbal and non-verbal representations of number, arithmetic, and geometry. Her research involves developmental, cross-cultural, and comparative approaches. Isabelle received her PhD in Psychology at UC Berkeley.

Postdoc – Stacee Santos

Stacee is interested in how the limited access to sound and language influences cognitive development. Her research investigates different numerical concepts with deaf and hard of hearing children. These studies explore how children with hearing loss discriminate between different amounts, recognize shapes, understand quantities, space, and proportion. Stacee received her Ph.D. from Boston College in 2008 where her research focused on the cognitive benefits of physical activity and complex motor learning.

Graduate Student – Carolina Alvarez

Carolina’s research interests involve how individuals of all age groups process numbers and the association between numerical processing and math performance. Additionally, she is interested in investigating the role language plays in numerical processing. Carolina earned a BA in Psychology and an MA in Experimental Psychology from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. 

Graduate Student – Taylor Stone

Taylor is broadly interested in children’s social and numerical cognition. Her research investigates the development of different prosocial behaviors (i.e., sharing) alongside children’s understanding of simple numerical concepts. Additionally, she is interested in examining how children develop math skills in different social contexts. She graduated from Lafayette College with a BS in Psychology in 2022.