Frequently Asked Questions
What does the study involve?
Our child studies involve playing a short game over Zoom with a research assistant. Children may be asked to count the number of items on the screen and/or to answer simple questions about other children’s interests. Studies take approximately 30-40 minutes, and families will earn a $5 Amazon.com gift card for participating.
What will we learn from doing these studies?
These studies are designed to tell us quite a bit about how children think and feel about number, time, and amount, and how very early emerging-abilities may relate to later mathematical understanding.
What happens if my child becomes uncomfortable or I want to stop the study?
The study can end any time you want it to. If you or your child becomes uncomfortable, you can stop the study immediately with no penalty to yourself or your child.
How long will the study take?
Studies take about 30 minutes in total, which includes time for you to fill out paperwork and for your child to acclimate to the Zoom session. Adult and older child (>10 years) studies may last a little longer.
Will I be paid for these studies?
All families will be given a $5 Amazon.com gift card for participating, one for each child who participates.
Will I receive the results of my child’s performance?
Our studies are designed to examine abilities of typically-developing infants or children of a given age. Thus, our studies involve collecting data from large samples of participants and looking at average performance. In general, we do not investigate individual differences in performance and the data we collect do not tell us about your child’s intelligence or achievement potential. Although you will not receive the results of your child’s visit to the lab, you will receive a newsletter describing the findings of the study in which your child participated.
Will I be with my child while the study takes place?
Parents can be with their children at all times.
When are appointments scheduled?
We schedule appointments at your convenience, usually between Monday and Friday from 9:00AM until 5:00PM. Occasional weekend and weeknight appointments are also available.
What if I have further questions?
We’d love to hear from you and to answer any questions you might have! Email us at BCCognition@bc.edu, or call us at (617) 552-8652.