It all falls down

In Chapter XVI, Stowe delves into the mind of Marie St. Clare.  In contrast to other white female characters in the novel–Mrs. Shelby, Ophelia St. Clare, and even little Eva–Marie does not stand as a moral or compassionate figure.  In fact, Marie is racist and self-centered.  Her character represents the stereotype of wealthy southerners, living…

Schitt’s Creek

When the extremely rich Rose family loses all of their wealth and possessions due to the actions of a fraudulent business manager, they are left with one possession that the government deemed worthless: the remote town of Schitt’s Creek, which the Rose’s had purchased in the past as a joke due to its comical name.…

American Skin (2021)

American Skin follows the story of an ex-Marine father (Lincoln Jefferson) who witness the death of his son in a targeted police shooting. When asked to star in a documentary by a high school student, the mourning father uses this as an opportunity to broadcast his revenge. The film takes a violent turn when Lincoln…

This Is America

For this assignment, I chose the music video/song “This Is America” by Childish Gambino. This piece of music, as well as the video, draws attention to the gun violence towards black people in America. The video reveals provocative imagery of Donald Glover as he guns down a choir at one point and dances while violence…

My painting , your breath

The visual text… or moreover what I like to call “the imaginary” offers a contrasting take on reality when compared to the “real”. They complement one another and play off each other to develop meaning and a picture of reality. They are both a reality in one way or another… As they are the experiences…

Taking of Child or Taking of Humanity?

The proposition of motherhood is brought to the story line consistently throughout the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. However, Stowe’s depiction of being a mother through the lens of a white woman, and being a mother through the lens of a black woman during the times of slavery, are obviosuly incredibly distant…