The Weight of Unseen Wounds

Throughout the novel, Stowe presents varying accounts of slaves – some had “kind” masters, some had their children stolen from them, some had their families separated, and some incurred physical abuse – but no experience is more profound than that of Prue’s. Towards the end of chapter XVIII, Prue is introduced as a gruff, scowling,…

American Skin (2021)

American Skin follows the story of an ex-Marine father (Lincoln Jefferson) who witness the death of his son in a targeted police shooting. When asked to star in a documentary by a high school student, the mourning father uses this as an opportunity to broadcast his revenge. The film takes a violent turn when Lincoln…

Moonlight (2016)

Set in Miami during the height of the crack epidemic, Moonlight tells the story of Little, Chiron, and Black in its three acts. Three different facets of the story of the same black man, struggling to keep and find his identity in a society that rejects who he is. The legacy of the film is…

This Is America

For this assignment, I chose the music video/song “This Is America” by Childish Gambino. This piece of music, as well as the video, draws attention to the gun violence towards black people in America. The video reveals provocative imagery of Donald Glover as he guns down a choir at one point and dances while violence…

Progressive Pictures – EXC Post Challenge (Due 2/17 by 10am)

Due by 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 17th Post the name of a mainstream film, miniseries television event, or extended narrative music video (e.g. Lemonade) that you believe successfully promotes a radical or progressive political issue. Provide a short (2-3 sentence) summary of the plot and a brief (3-5 sentence) description of the political issue…