Summer 2024 AI Talks

Summer 2024 AI Talks This summer I’m kicking off a series of discussions around the topic of AI and specifically how it relates to education, legal work, personal productivity, and more. You can find a schedule of the discussion topics along with resources and recordings of the sessions below. Talk Schedule Session Resources & Recordings…Continue Reading Summer 2024 AI Talks

Spring 2024 Virtual Whiteboards

Virtual Whiteboard Workshop Resources Workshop Description: All of the primary lecture classrooms at the Law School provide you with a means to annotate directly in a virtual whiteboard environment. In this workshop, you will discover the range of both software and hardware tech tools available to you, learn how to engage students beyond the traditional…Continue Reading Spring 2024 Virtual Whiteboards

Ed Tech Newsletter December 23

Final Ed Tech Newsletter of 2023! Welcome to this brief end-of-the-semester newsletter where I want to share my back-to-school workshops and remind you about an important change to our Panopto policy. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year. A quick update on my schedule over the holidays. I’ll be on…Continue Reading Ed Tech Newsletter December 23

Summer Workshop Schedule

I’m excited to announce the summer Ed Tech workshop series. These brief, 45-minute workshops are designed to give you quick, actionable tips for incorporating Ed Tech into your teaching. You’ll learn how to use technology to engage students, improve learning outcomes, and save time, and more. Workshops will be held the morning of other faculty…Continue Reading Summer Workshop Schedule

AI in Legal Education: Understanding the Power of AI Tools

In this workshop, I will introduce you to the essentials of Large Language Models (LLMs) and demonstrate why it’s crucial to jump on board with AI technology now. I’ll cover why you will want to stay on top of the evolving landscape as it continues to reshape the legal education landscape and beyond. We’ll discuss…Continue Reading AI in Legal Education: Understanding the Power of AI Tools

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is the University’s personal response system of choice. It is an easy way to get to know your students through ice-breaker activities at the beginning of the semester, provide just-in-time teaching feedback for you as the semester progresses, use it as a method of taking attendance, and even as an informal or formal…Continue Reading Poll Everywhere

Ed Tech, What is it good for?

Educational technology, when used appropriately absolutely has a place in the classroom. There are a lot of educational technology choices out there. When it comes to deciding what to integrate into your teaching it can be overwhelming. This workshop is meant to be an overview of the tools available to you at Boston College and…Continue Reading Ed Tech, What is it good for?

Learn how to use appointment signups!

There are several ways to create and share appointment signups to make meeting with you a cinch. This workshop will cover three ways to offer your meeting attendees options. You’ll learn how to create and use Canvas appointment groups specifically for class purposes. I’ll also cover general-purpose appointment signup options using Google Calendar. No extra…Continue Reading Learn how to use appointment signups!