Category: Microbes

Dr. Kiana Frank

Follow Kiana! Twitter: @labhuiofrank Instagram: @labhuiofrank In Categories Tags Dr. Kiana Frank Dr. Kiana Frank and the people in her lab at the Pacific Biosciences Research Center at the University of Hawai’i Manoa work to better understand the complex role that microorganisms play in biogeochemical cycling. They focus on describing the microbial community structure, functional capacity and rates of metabolic activity in the context of the physico-chemical environment….Continue Reading Dr. Kiana Frank

John Mead

Follow John! Twitter: @Evo_Explorer Instagram: @johnmead1967 In Categories John Mead John Mead is the Eugene McDermott Master Teacher in Science at the St. Mark’s School of Texas, where I taught with him from 2006-2009. In addition to teaching, he is a National Geographic educator-explorer, serving as an Evolution Ambassador for the National Center for Science Education (NCSE)….Continue Reading John Mead