John Mead

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John Mead

John Mead is the Eugene McDermott Master Teacher in Science at the St. Mark’s School of Texas, where I taught with him from 2006-2009. In addition to teaching, he is a National Geographic educator-explorer, serving as an Evolution Ambassador for the National Center for Science Education (NCSE). He is also the recipient of the Texas 2018 Outstanding Biology Teacher Award from the National Association of Biology Teachers. This interview took place in March 2018.

John is a passionate and skilled science communicator and his YouTube channel is filled with “MicroSafaris” through pond water, as well as updates and descriptions of ongoing hominid fossil fieldwork and research that he uses to connect his students and the public with current exploration and discoveries. You can watch a lecture he gave in October of 2018 about this work here. John is also an ambassador for the National Center for Science Education and was interviewed in that context on their webpage.

SoundCloud podcast (audio only) version of the interview.