Category: In Academia

Dr. Laura Lagomarsino

Follow Laura! Twitter: @Lagomarsino_L In Categories Tags Dr. Laura Lagomarsino Dr. Lagomarsino is an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and proud Director of the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University. She is a botanist and evolutionary biologist. In this interview from October 2017 we discuss her new position, the value of collections to the…Continue Reading Dr. Laura Lagomarsino

Dr. Beth Bearce

Follow Beth! Twitter: @Carcinoginger In Categories Tags Dr. Beth Bearce Dr. Beth Bearce was a doctoral candidate in the Lowery Lab at Boston College when this interview was conducted. She has since successfully defended her dissertation. Beth studies the embryonic cells that later develop and differentiate to create almost all tissues of the face. After the first round…Continue Reading Dr. Beth Bearce

Dr. Kiana Frank

Follow Kiana! Twitter: @labhuiofrank Instagram: @labhuiofrank In Categories Tags Dr. Kiana Frank Dr. Kiana Frank and the people in her lab at the Pacific Biosciences Research Center at the University of Hawai’i Manoa work to better understand the complex role that microorganisms play in biogeochemical cycling. They focus on describing the microbial community structure, functional capacity and rates of metabolic activity in the context of the physico-chemical environment….Continue Reading Dr. Kiana Frank

Dr. Ambika Kamath

Follow Ambika! Twitter: @ambikamath Personal Blog: Ambika Kamath Behavioral Ecologist In Categories Dr. Ambika Kamath Dr. Ambika Kamath is a Miller postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley, working with Damian Elias in the Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management. She did her Ph.D. with Jonathan Losos, in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. Ambika and I became friends during graduate school. Dr….Continue Reading Dr. Ambika Kamath

Shayle Matsuda

Follow Shayle! Twiter: @wrong_whale In Categories Shayle Matsuda Shayle is a graduate student working on a PhD candidate in Marine Biology at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in the Gates Coral Lab. I met Shayle in 2014 (I think) participating in a science communication workshop/competition (which, if I remember correctly, he won). Shayle’s bio from the…Continue Reading Shayle Matsuda