Dr. Ambika Kamath
Dr. Ambika Kamath

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Personal Blog: Ambika Kamath Behavioral Ecologist

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Dr. Ambika Kamath

Dr. Ambika Kamath is a Miller postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley, working with Damian Elias in the Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management. She did her Ph.D. with Jonathan Losos, in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. Ambika and I became friends during graduate school.

Dr. Kamath is am a behavioral ecologist, broadly interested in the consequences of individual variation in behavior for the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of populations and species. With experience studying vertebrates, invertebrates, and even plants, she is building a research program studying individual behavioral ecology in a variety of organisms, using field-based techniques, conceptual inquiry, and mathematical modeling approaches to tackle specific questions tailored to each organism’s unique natural history.

Scientist Spotlight Interview – August 2019

Listen to podcast (audio only) version of interview

Additional Information

You can learn more about Dr. Kamath on her website. You can also read her lizard-related blogging efforts at Anole Annals.

You can read an interview with Dr. Kamath about how her research on mating behavior in Anole lizards deals with both feminism and behavioral ecology: “Lizards gone wild! UC Berkeley researcher’s ‘feminist science’ bucks male-dominated inquiry