Choices of Conduct KIBO Examples

Example #1: At the end of a lesson, several children pick up all the blocks from their program and puts them away.
Example #2: Children are quiet and attentive while a classmate presents a project.
Example #3: A child apologizes to a peer after accidentally knocking a few of her blocks out of place.

Watch Choices of Conduct in Practice

Asking Politely

A child is reminded to politely ask classmates to back up so everyone can see.

Following Directions

Children are reminded that they were told to put their hands on their head before clapping.

Remembering to Take Turns

A child is reminded to give her peer a turn exploring the blocks.

Listen While Others Are Speaking

A child is reminded that she must listen while the teacher is talking.

Standing Up for a Peer

A child tells a classmate that she isn’t being nice to someone else.

Sharing Blocks

Children take turns holding and playing with the KIBO blocks.

Choosing to Clean Up

Two girls decide to make a good choice and clean up the materials they were using.

Hate Engineers

While teacher reads a book, one child makes a poor choice of conduct by interrupting and saying they hate like engineers.

Putting KIBO together

Children make different choices of conduct when working with KIBO together.

Trying to Scan

Children work hard trying to scan KIBO blocks despite difficulty.