Example #1: A child says “I think this is going to work!” in reference to a program she designed. |
Example #2: At the end of a lesson, a child exclaims that he will be able to build a longer program next time. |
Example #3: A child tells her peer that she is excited to run her program for the class when it is share time. |
Teacher Insights on Practicing Optimism
The following excerpts were taken from interviews with teachers who were asked to describe instances in which their preschoolers practiced optimism, as well as times in which the teacher personally practiced optimism while implementing the Coding as Another Language-KIBO curriculum.
I was very intentional, because you want a positive learning environment, and I am a stickler about that. Because when we come into the classroom the kids already go through enough, so I wanted to make sure [KIBO] was a positive learning environment… because we had some behaviors in the classroom, and pretty sure you’ve seen [them] before, and we have some heavy behavior in our classroom, so [we] made sure that everybody knew the expectations and that we’re slowing down to understand and to make this the most positive thing ever. We have to make it the best that we possibly can.
– Mike, Pre-K Teacher
Watch Optimism in Practice
Rooting for KIBO
A child tells KIBO “You can do it!” while waiting for his teacher to scan the blocks.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How does the teacher further promote the child’s optimism?
Kid’s Optimism
A group of students try to get all their robots to move to one place. Only one robot is left to accomplish the goal and before the last robot goes, a child shouts, “yes!” in excitement.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How does group work facilitate optimism in the coding playground?
Again! Again!
Children express their excitement to run their programs a second time.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How do the children express their optimism? Do they convey it through language and/or with their bodies?
Dancing with KIBO
Children show enthusiasm to act out KIBO’s program using their bodies.
Guided Questions for Observation
• Pay attention to the role of the teacher. How does she foster her children’s optimism?
• How do whole group activities promote optimism in the coding playground?
KIBO Victory
Multiple children express their excitement after playing with KIBO.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How does the process of programming foster the children’s optimism?
• Notice the role of the teacher. How does she further promote her students optimism?
We Made It!
A child expresses his excitement after completing a task.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How do the children express their optimism?
• Listen to the teacher’s response. How does they encourage the children’s excitement?