ScratchJr Project Rubric Overview
The ScratchJr Project Rubric is a validated assessment that captures children’s ability to transform their coding knowledge into creating purposeful and creative projects. There are multiple subcategories in this rubric that are highly related to both computational thinking concepts and project design such as Syntax Complexity, Efficiency, Coordination, and Programmed Customization. The ScratchJr Project Rubric can be administered after children complete their ScratchJr projects. This grading process typically takes around 3-5 minutes per project. To read more, please see our Publications page.
Sample Items

How should I grade the project if it has multiple pages?
Grade the entire project as a whole. If some pages are more complex than others, pick the highest score you observe from the project. For example, if one page has a character with multiple identical blocks next to each other to repeat an action and the next page uses a repeat loop block with more than one block inside, give the project 3 points, not 1 point on Repeat and Number Parameters.
If a project has multiple characters that look the same and have the same sequence, should I count them as different characters?
How do I determine the level of cohesion in a project?
Cohesion can be hard to gauge, but it can be helpful to ask yourself: can you follow the storyline? For example, a project with a beach background and sea animal characters may be graded higher than a project with a space background and sea animal creatures without an explanation for the choice in characters. Cues that help to follow narrative include voice recordings, “Say” blocks, or alignment with a specific class assignment.
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