Example #1: A child writes a Thank You note to a peer who taught him how to use the Repeat block. |
Example #2: A child thanks her teacher for helping her put a tablet away. |
Example #3: Two children high-five when they see their characters execute the dance that they programmed together. |
Teacher Insights on Practicing Gratitude
The following excerpts were taken from interviews with teachers who were asked to describe instances in which their students practiced gratitude, as well as times in which the teacher personally practiced gratitude while implementing the Coding as Another Language-ScratchJr curriculum.
I have a ton of gratitude for my co-teacher. That was big getting to work with her, but also allowing her to house our devices in her classroom. They were always organized. When we would get there, the tables would be set up with the iPads out. Those are the little things that eat up 5, 10 minutes of our time, and we always complain about time. So that was super helpful on that—big gratitude for her for sure.
— Rita, First Grade Teacher
[The kids had] gratitude for other children that were helping them if somebody was having a hard time. They would jump up, run over and help them out.
— Julie, First Grade Teacher
Oh, gratitude! Grateful for those kids who would step up and help me figure things out.
— Carrie, Second Grade Teacher
Watch Gratitude in Practice
Many Thanks
Teachers express their gratitude by thanking a student for her cooperation.
Guided Questions for Observation
• Notice the teachers’ tone of voice. How do they express their gratitude towards the child?
I Love You!
A child uses the sound recording block to express her gratitude to her best friend.
Guided Questions for Observation
• Can you think of other ways in which coding can be leveraged to promote gratitude?
Asking Questions
A teacher thanks her student for sharing what blocks she’s still confused with.
Guided Questions for Observation
• Notice the teachers’ body language as the child speaks. How do the teachers show gratitude with their body?
• Can you describe other non-verbal ways in which the teachers express their gratitude?