Marina Bers: “Cuando un niño sabe contar ya puede aprender a programar”. By Helena López. El Periódico. January 2025.
Robòtica a les escoles: claus i reptes en ple debat sobre l’ús de les pantalles. By Mireia Rom Salvador. 3Cat. January 2025.
Learning Through Play: Bers Develops Smart Playgrounds to Enhance Computational Learning. By Molly Funk. BC News. November 2024.
This Inventor Is Molding Tomorrow’s Inventors: The cocreator of ScratchJr and the KIBO robotics kits makes “coding playgrounds”. By Rina Diane Caballar. IEEE Spectrum. October 2024.
Studying student brain function in the classroom. By Corinne Steinbrenner. BC News. September 2024.
ScratchJr marks 10th anniversary. By Phil Gloudemans. BC News. September 2024.
Marina Umaschi Bers: “La programación es la alfabetización del siglo XXI”. By Alfredo Dillon. Infobae. September 2024.
BC researchers receive NSF support to cultivate STEM interest among rural Navajo youth. By Phil Gloudemans. BC News. August 2024.
ANEP y Ceibal avanzan hacia “universalizar” el Pensamiento Computacional en Primaria. By Juan Pablo Mosteiro. Búsqueda. February 2024.
Marina Bers: “Pensamos en tecnologías que sean como plazas o parques de juegos, donde los chicos puedan crear con otros”. By Facundo Franco. La Diaria, Education. February 2024.
¿Qué es el pensamiento computacional? Desayunos Informales. February, 2024.
Los niños pueden aprender a programar a partir de los cuatro años”, dice experta en educación que piensa una escuela sin materias. By Tomer Urwicz. El Observador, January, 2024.
The Benefits of Teaching Kids to Code. By Simone Migliori. Boston College Magazine, Fall, 2023.
Building, Coding, Creating and Exploring with KIBO. By Molly Halpin. Horizons for Homeless Children News & Blog, Happenings at Horizons, August 31st, 2023.
What happens on college campuses over summer vacation? A lot, it turns out. By Ellie Wolfe. Boston Globe, Metro, July 28th, 2023.
Dr Marina Bers on Personal Theologies. By Andres Mosquera. International Jewish Center, News & Blog, July 16th, 2023.
Computational Thinking and Character Development for Kids. By Eric Bushnell. Lynch School of Education and Human Development, News & Videos, March 13th, 2023.
La Repregunta. Marina Umaschi Bers: “En los niños, el pensamiento computacional se puede desarrollar sin gastar en computadoras”. By Luciana Vázquez. La Nación, Opinión, March 19th, 2023
Teaching Human Values through Coding. By Elena Britos. Lynch School of Education and Human Development, News & Videos, September 27th, 2022.
Kids, Coding, and Computational Thinking: BC’s new Augustus Long Professor, Marina Bers is recognized for her work with children and technology By Phil Gloudemans. University Communications, BC News, September 14th, 2022.
“Best Apps For Kids Ages 6 – 8 [Updated for 2022]”. In BestAppsForKids.com, August 21, 2015.
Can Computer Coding Be Used to Teach Values? This Scholar Thinks So By Rick Hess. EducationWeek, April 13th, 2022.Marina Umaschi Bers on Coding as an Essential Form of Literacy By Marina Umaschi Bers. Edutopia, March 22nd, 2022.
Bers: Robots can help us teach our kids human values By Marina Bers. Boston Herald, March 13th, 2022.
Limudei Code-Esh Enriches Jewish Learning at Pardes School By Michael Mino. David Lear Sulman Fund, January 7th, 2022.
‘Coding is the new literacy’: How STEM tools teach children programming skills TechForGood CNN, October 18th, 2021.
Bers: To Welcome Students Back to In-Person Learning, Build a Coding ‘Playground’ to Boost Their Academic & Social-Emotional Skills By Marina Umaschi Bers. The 74, June 7th, 2021.
The New Literacy: The Code generation By Matthew Cook. Wellthatsinteresting.tech, May 4th, 2021.
Training Teachers on Educational Technology, Now and for the Future. By Angela Nelson. TuftsNow, May 3rd, 2021.
Technological Tools for Playful Learning introduces coding to children. By Owen Bonk. The Tufts Daily, April 26, 2021.
Hybrid Learning to Support Children’s Positive Technological Development: Community Building. By Dylan Portelance, Angie Kalthoff, and Amanda Strawhacker. CSTA Voice, October 7, 2020.
Will my kid learn anything this school year? Experts take on the most worrisome questions By Kara Baskin. Globe Correspondent, October 1, 2020.
3 ways to teach computer science in distance learning. By Madhu Govind. District Administration, September 14, 2020.
Hybrid Learning to Support Children’s Positive Technological Development: Introduction. By Angie Kalthoff and Amanda Strawhacker. CSTA Voice, August 5, 2020.
What Learning Python Taught Me About Computer Science Education for Young Children. By Madhu Govind. EdSurge, June 16, 2020.
Fostering Creativity, Curiosity, and Generosity Through Robotics. By Angie Kalthoff and Lynne May Lim. CSTA Voice, June 15, 2020.
La programación y la robótica como instrumentos para una ciudadanía creadora. Sobre Tiza, June 5, 2020.
Learning Inspired: Conversation with Marina Bers. Rosan Bosch Studio, June 3, 2020.
Early Learners and Technology – Madhu Govind. Planning Period Podcast, May 8, 2020.
The Best Robot Toys for Building Kids’ STEM Skills. The Wall Street Journal, May 1, 2020.
Inspirational Women in STEM and Tech: “It’s not about being a woman in STEM; It’s about Marina in STEM”, With Marina Umaschi Bers of Tufts University. Authority Magazine, April 30, 2020.
A robot to teach coding—and build character. MIT Technology Review, April 15, 2020.
Pathfinders Winter Institute Recap: Coding as a Playground. Infosys Foundation. April 14, 2020.
Why Parents Shouldn’t Worry About How Much Screen Time Kids Have Right Now. Tufts Now, April 8, 2020.
School And Daycare Closures Present A Challenge For Many Parents. WGBH, March 19, 2020.
Can a Screen-Free Robot Teach Coding—and Build Character? MIT Alumni: Slice of MIT, January 22, 2020.
Tufts Wins Grant for K-2 Coding Education. Tufts Now, October 21, 2019.
NPS Now Special on Tufts’ Early Innovation Research Grant, November 25, 2019.
Kids Should Learn Coding, Like They Do Math and Reading. Tufts Now, July 18, 2019.
Do Parents Need to Worry About “Summer Slide” in their Kids’ Academics? Tufts Now, June 27, 2019.
Speaker Pelosi Visits Tufts’ Eliot Pearson. Tufts Now, May 3rd, 2019.
NPS Now Special on Teaching with KIBO. April 4th, 2019.
“Els alumnes de 1r de Primària es tornen a trobar, per segon curs consecutiu, amb el robot KIBO” La Salle Reus, Jan. 14, 2019.
“Why Kindergartners Need to Learn to Code” The Boston Globe, Jan. 17, 2019.
“From Tufts to STEM Advocate” Tufts University: From Tufts to Your Career, Jan, 2019.
“Make Your Classroom More Like a Playground Than a Playpen Using “Hard Fun” Ed Surge, Jan 8, 2019.
“Inspire An Interest in STEM Careers with These Top Tech Toys.” Forbes, December 20, 2018.
“Looking for the Best Tech Toys for Kids?” Tufts Now, December 13, 2018.
“KIBO On WFAA Dallas (ABC) News” WFAA Dallas, December 7, 2018.
“Abstract concept for specific operations, the best STEM education for early childhood learning” Sohu.com, May 20, 2018.
“Meet the Robots Teaching Singapore’s Kids Tech” Apolitical, July 4, 2018.
“When Robots Teach Kids Computational Thinking – and Kindness” EdSurge, April 27, 2018.
“Child Development and Mechanical Engineering classes collaborate to teach children robotics” The Tufts Daily, April 26, 2018.
“Book Review: Coding as a Playground: Programming and Computational Thinking in the Early Childhood Classroom” AACE Review, January 24th, 2018.
“More Than Just Code: DevTech researches new approaches to STEM education” The Tufts Daily, January 22, 2018.
“Connecting Kindergarteners and Coding without a Screen in the World of Unstructured Play” Scientific American, January 10, 2018.
“Lab Develops Coding Toys for Young Kids” National Institutes of Health, December 15, 2017.
“Using Robots to Inspire Creativity” Steam Universe, November 9, 2017.
“Can Robots Help Get More Girls Into Science and Technology” Wired, October 23, 2017.
“KIBO from KinderLab Robotics wins 2017 Parents’ Choice Gold Award in the Toy Category”. KinderLab Robotics, October 19, 2017.
Webinar in Spanish by Dr. Marina Umaschi Bers: “Programar Jugando: Ideas para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional” Organized by Chicos.net, October 11, 2017.
“Why Kids Should Code” In Tufts Now, September 29, 2017.
“Will Robots Be in Every Preschool in Singapore?” In Asia Business Report, BBC World News, September 15, 2017.
“Approaching Coding as a Playground” In Scratch Foundation Blog, September 15, 2017.
“See the best mobile apps for managing the school year” In Today Show, September 5, 2017.
“How to Prepare for an Automated Economy” In The New York Times, July 31, 2017.
“How robots are teaching Singapore’s kids” In Financial Times, July 13, 2017.
“20 Apps Making Programming for Kids Exciting” In Avatar Generation, July 7, 2017.
“Learning to Think Like a Computer” In The New York Times, April 4, 2017.
“Forming the Future: Coding kindergarteners at Holy Family School, Rockland” In The Pilot, March 17, 2017.
“Early childhood educators gain confidence teaching coding and computational thinking” In Code.org Teacher Community, March 6, 2017.
“‘Look Mum no screens!’: Toys unlock secrets to coding for kids” In Day Nurseries UK, February 28, 2017.
“In Rockland, Holy Family School students get with the programming” In The Brockton Enterprise, January 30, 2017.
“Hay que pensar en los chicos” In Revista Nueva, 2016.
“Medfield first graders learn to code” In Wicked Local, December 27, 2016.
“Robotics and Rugrats: Incorporating Technology into Early Childhood Curriculum” In Tufts Observer, December 6, 2016.
“Top 10 Tech: 2016” In School Library Journal, December 6, 2016.
“Kindergarten Robotics part of Sacred Heart’s curriculum” In The Enterprise, November 3, 2016.
“Creative Spaces to Learn” In Tufts Now, October 17, 2016.
“Coding for Kids Goes International” In Tufts Now, September 8, 2016.
“How Two Friends Teamed Up To Sell Robots to Kids” in Money Magazine, July 26, 2016.
“Machine Learning: Professor Marina Bers Teamed with Startup Vet Mitch Rosenberg for a Venture that Sells Teaching Robots for Kids” In Money.com, August 2016 issue.
“Qué es Scratchjr, la plataforma para enseñarle programación a chicos de 4 a 7 años hecha por una argentina” In La Nacion, May 6, 2016.
“El robot que da clases junto a niños con autismo” In La Estrella de Panamá, April 12, 2016.
“Video: Marina Umaschi Robótica” In Think1.tv, March 7, 2016.
“People Notes: Ideas & Travel” In Tufts Now, February, 2016.
“Book Review of The Official ScratchJr Book” In YouTube Video Review by Phil Shapiro, January 31, 2016.
“Teaching through PlayMaking” In iDA Singapore, January 20, 2016.
“Kinders, KIBO’s and More!” In The Memorial School Library Blog, January 18, 2016.
“This ScratchJr Book Gets Younger Minds Creating with Code” In Geek Dad Blog, January 7, 2016.
“ScratchJr App Review” International Journal of People-Oriented Programming, January-June, 2015.
“Publishers Crack Coding for Kids” In Publishers Weekly, December 8, 2015.
“PBS KIDS ScratchJr app makes its debut” In KidScreen, December 4, 2015.
“PBS KIDS Launches Free ScratchJr App, Helping Young Children Learn to Code and Code to Learn” In PBS Press Releases, December 3, 2015.
“How early should kids learn to code? Technology brings programming to kindergarten” In GE Look Ahead featured in The Economist, October 8, 2015.
“Coding Class, Then Naptime: Computer Science for the Kindergarten Set” In NPR, September 18, 2015.
“2015 Edition: Best Apps for Back to School – 1st Grade” In BestAppsForKids.com, August 21, 2015.
“How to Teach Computer Science in Nursery School” In The Economist, August 1, 2015.
“Marina Bers y KIBO” In Clarin Mujer, May 15, 2015.
“Director’s Message: Digital Gaming – It’s Not just Fun and Games” In Northwestern University Center for Talent Development’s Talent Newsletter, Spring 2015.
“DevTech Lab Unites Technology and Education” In The Tufts Daily, April 20, 2015.
“Teaching Tykes to Program Robots“ In Product Design and Development, April 15, 2015.
“DevTech Research Group Engages Young Children in Playful Computation” In Enigma, Tufts Journal of Data & Computing, April 12, 2015.
“Boston Business Journal announces 2015 Women to Watch in Science and Technology honorees” In Boston Business Journal, April 2, 2015.
“Yeshiva educators train with KIBO robots” In New Jersey Jewish News, January 21, 2015.
“ScratchJr“ In BestAppsForKids.com, December 16, 2014.
“Looking To The Future, Cambridge Partnership Teaches Kindergarteners To Code” In WBUR Learning Lab, December 15, 2014.
“Introduction to ScratchJr (iOS app)” In Making Things…Learning Things, December 11, 2014.
“Coding for Kindergarten: Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving Skills to Early Learners” In edWeb.net, October 8, 2014.
“New app teaches kids computer coding basics” In My FOX Boston. October 7, 2014.
“Playgrounds and Playpens: Children as Computer Programmers” In The Eliot-Pearson Department Newsletter. Fall 2014.
“App teaches kindergarteners basic computer coding” In The News-Herald. October 1, 2014.
“App Teaches Kindergarteners to Code” Video on Associated Press. October 1, 2014.
“App teaches kindergarteners basic computer coding“ Article in Associated Press. October 1, 2014.
“Turning Programming Into Child’s Play” In The New York Times. September 27, 2014.
“Making the Grade: Coding for Kids” In New England Cable News. August 26, 2014.
“Your Five Year Old Can Learn To Code With An iPad App” In Forbes. August 6, 2014.
“App that teaches kids to code is the future” In Boston Herald. August 1, 2014
“ScratchJr” In Engage Their Minds Blog. July 31, 2014.
“Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation” In WIRED. July 31, 2014.
“Yes, your preschooler can program too” In Gigaom. July 30, 2014
“MIT Media Lab’s ScratchJr debuts iPad app to teach kids how to code” In Boston Business Journal. July 30 , 2014.
“Robots are Everywhere! Learning About Technology From Robotics” In The Huffington Post Blog. July 9, 2014.
“Coding in the Playground” In TuftsNow. July 9, 2014
“Go Play Outside: Are Kids Getting Too Much Screen Time?” In WGBH News. July 7, 2014.
“Tufts develops coding app for children” In The Tufts Daily. April 10, 2014.
“Kids’ Coding App Co-Created by MIT Media Lab Raises Nearly $48K in 11 days” In BostInno. March 28, 2014.
“ScratchJr coding-for-kids project hits $25k Kickstarter goal in two days” In The Guardian. March 24, 2014.
“Projects We Love: ScratchJr Coding for Kids” In Kickstarter Newsletter. March 20, 2014.
“Exploring Coding in Kindergarten” Blog Post by Teacher at The Children’s School in Stamford, CT. March 18, 2014.
“KinderLab Robotics Awarded SBIR Grant“ In Tufts Tech Transfer. January 12, 2014.
“ScratchJr Project” In Tufts In the Community Brochure. Fall 2013.
“Very Young Programmers” In The New York Times. September 2, 2013.
“Robotics: Empowering Jewish Creators” In HaYidion, Summer, 2013.
“Robots, robots y más robots” In Conector Lab. February 2013.
“Kindergarten coders” In New Scientist. July 26, 2013.
Tufts Parent Magazine Feature on Professor Marina Umaschi Bers December 2012. Healey Parent Newsletter October 2012.
Article in the Tecnologia section of Correio Braziliense, March 12, 2012
MacArthur Foundation Spotlight on Scratch and ScratchJr January 31, 2012
Marina Umaschi Bers Podcast: “Out of the Playpen into the Playground: The Design of Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development” – November 9, 2011
Tufts Newsletter, Faculty Profile of Prof. Marina Umaschi Bers
A book review appearing in E-Learning on Prof. Marina Umaschi Bers’ book, Blocks to Robots. pdf
Featured article in Tufts Journal, about DevTech doctoral student Michael Horn’s permanent exhibit, Robot Park at the Museum of Science’s Cahners ComputerPlace. (October, 2008). Web link
Staff post at YPulse! Totally Wired, about the Zora project and how it is bridging constructionism with education (October 24th).
Featured coverpage story in an issue of Children’s Hospital Newsletter about the Zora @ Children’s Hospital Boston project. pdf
Article about Prof. Marina Umaschi Bers’ research and teaching interests in Tufts Journal weblink | pdf