Example #1: A child searches for images of alligators in order to draw a realistic alligator character in the Paint Editor. |
Example #2: A child asks the teacher to show her how she can add more pages to her program. |
Example #3: A child is excited to learn that a Repeat block can make her character do something multiple times. |
Teacher Insights on Practicing Curiosity
The following excerpts were taken from interviews with teachers who were asked to describe instances in which their students practiced curiosity, as well as times in which the teacher personally practiced curiosity while implementing the Coding as Another Language-ScratchJr curriculum.
Certainly curiosity! They definitely were very interested in what they could make and how they could make it, and what other things they could get their character to do.
— Katelyn, Kindergarten Teacher
I think that the curiosity piece was extremely obvious with the kids because they kept trying new things, and they wanted to see if something worked, and if it didn’t, they’d go back and persevere and try to figure it out. So those two [virtues] kind of went together.
— Liz, First Grade Teacher
Watch Curiosity in Practice
Asking for Advice About Backgrounds
A child asks the teacher how she can add more details to the background of her project.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How might one-on-one coding with a teacher help promote a child’s curiosity?
Discussion About Programming Languages
Children express their curiosity about what programming languages can be used for.
Guided Questions for Observation
• Pay attention to how the teacher responds to the student. How does she welcome the child’s curiosity?
• How does the teacher’s response further encourage the child’s curiosity?
What’s That Button?
A child asks another student about the different features of ScratchJr.
Guided Questions for Observation
• Notice the way the child interacts with her peer. How does she invite curiosity?
How Did You Do That?
A child wonders how a classmate programmed a cloud to spin around.
Guided Questions for Observation
• How might whole group activities help foster children’s curiosity?