Communication ScratchJr Examples

Example #1: A child presents her ScratchJr program to the class and explains her idea.
Example #2: A child explains to a peer the concept of a story that he plans to program in ScratchJr.
Example #3: The class brainstorms aloud about how to make Cat move up 10 times in a row.

Watch Communication in Practice

Growing and Shrinking Explanation

A child describes how her growing and shrinking program works.

Explaining a Program to a Peer

A child explains the concept of her chicken and cow program to a peer.

Demonstrating How to Play a Game

A child explains and demonstrates how to play the Zebra and Baby game that she programmed.

Giving Instructions to the Teacher

A child instructs the teacher in adding elements onto the stage.

Explaining the [Go to Page] Block

A child explains how the [Go to Page] block works to the class.

Sharing a Project with the Class

A child shares his project with the class, explaining the elements that he programmed.

Explaining How To Make a PB&J

Children talk the teacher through the steps of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.