A Moon Falling From Her Mouth: Mystical Womanhood & Blackness

In Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo, Shange establishes a close connection between the moon and the concepts of both mystical womanhood and Blackness. These moon-related concepts converge in Indigo’s character. The repeated image of “a moon falling from her mouth” helps designate Indigo as a member of a special group of Black women who know “[their]…

A Bloody Transition into Womanhood

In her novel Sassafrass, Cypress, and Indigo, Shange employs lyricism as a persuasive mechanism for showcasing black female artistry.  She does so by juxtaposing lyrical descriptions of Indigo’s creative outlets (as well as those of the women around her) with the prosaic consciousness brought on by gender-charged violence.  The scene in which Indigo gets her…

The Adoration of the Magi

“The Adoration of the Magi” (late 1750s) by Italian painter Giovanni Battista Tiepolo hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. It depicts the Nativity scene in which wise men and shepherds come to pay respects and offer gifts to the newborn baby. Many of the characters in the painting have their…

A Cat Stealing Fish

This scene was painted in the late 1660s by Giuseppe Recco, an Italian painter who specialized in still life art. The painting shows a cat caught in the act of eating and stealing fish. The painting exemplifies skills in lighting, and the detail into the fish scales and cat fur. The still life artistry was…

Pockets of Black Joy

Black joy is a form of resistance that gives agency to Black people in times where oppression and racism have tried to take away everything else. Stowe portrays an instance of black joy when she describes Uncle Tom’s cottage at the beginning of chapter 4. The cottage is first described as a “small log building”…