Final Project Link – Follow the Senses: A Walking Tour of Black History at Boston College by Claire Green, Hannah Ruane, and Jason Parkes

As promised, please find the link to our final project below. If you choose to participate in this asynchronous activity, please let Hannah, Jason, and myself know! And make sure to fill out the feedback form at the end. Please also circulate to any and all of your social circles at BC, so we can…

Final Journal Assessment Form (Due by Email, Sunday 5/9 at 6:00pm)

Reflection on Content What connections do you notice emerging across your journal entries? As you reflect on your entries, do you find any contradictions, corrections, reversals, or otherwise shifts in your perspective or reasoning between one entry and another? Or even within one entry? Compare your first entry, your 6th entry, and your last entry.…

Progressive Pictures – EXC Post Challenge (Due 2/17 by 10am)

Due by 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 17th Post the name of a mainstream film, miniseries television event, or extended narrative music video (e.g. Lemonade) that you believe successfully promotes a radical or progressive political issue. Provide a short (2-3 sentence) summary of the plot and a brief (3-5 sentence) description of the political issue…