Google Forms are a great way to elicit feedback, conduct a survey, or even just ask a simple question. This workshop will teach you the ins and outs of setting up a Google Form. You’ll learn the basics of the question types, how to review responses, what you can use Google Forms for, how to…Continue Reading Learn how to use Google Forms
Category: Workshops
Learn how to use appointment signups!
There are several ways to create and share appointment signups to make meeting with you a cinch. This workshop will cover three ways to offer your meeting attendees options. You’ll learn how to create and use Canvas appointment groups specifically for class purposes. I’ll also cover general-purpose appointment signup options using Google Calendar. No extra…Continue Reading Learn how to use appointment signups!
Canvas: Working with the BC Law template
In this training session, you’ll learn how to import and make use of the BC Law Canvas templates for your current Canvas courses. You will learn how to find and import the template, get an overview of the various template components, what the best practices for Canvas course design are, and more! You will also…Continue Reading Canvas: Working with the BC Law template
Panopto: Get more out of your content management system!
After a brief overview of our Panopto environment, we’ll dive deeper into some lesser-known features that you may find helpful. I’ll touch on how to properly share videos, how to set permissions for different scenarios, cover the basics of editing, and how to enable automated captions. You’ll also learn about some additional student-centric features like…Continue Reading Panopto: Get more out of your content management system!
Course Materials and Course Reserves
Did you know that Canvas automatically integrates with the course reserve system at BC? In this workshop, you’ll learn more about how to secure course materials and course reserves for your students. We’ll also cover how the library can support you when it comes to tracking down free course materials for your course, learning shortcuts…Continue Reading Course Materials and Course Reserves
Canvas: Assignments and the Gradebook
Learn about the different assignment options and considerations you have available when developing your Canvas courses. You’ll learn about the most common assignment types including quizzes, discussion boards, and file submissions. You’ll learn more about how to give feedback to students on assignments via SpeedGrader as well as how you can control when students see…Continue Reading Canvas: Assignments and the Gradebook
Password Management
Ever wondered why we use passwords? Why are they such a hassle? Or what can be done about it? This training is for you! We will begin with the history of passwords and identity management, then pivot to a demo of how to set up a password manager so that you yourself can use one…Continue Reading Password Management
Canvas: Course Planning and Design
Learn about the different course design options and considerations you have available when developing your Canvas courses. We’ll touch on what kind of course design suits you best and how to start incorporating features of Canvas to make your life easier when it comes to course content delivery, student engagement, and tracking student progress. Resources:…Continue Reading Canvas: Course Planning and Design
Zoom Bootcamp: Level up your hosting game
Have you felt like the last two years were just a fever dream and you never really learned how to use Zoom to its fullest potential? Well, this workshop will turn you from a zero to a hero when it comes to hosting Zoom meetings, workshops, and other events. This workshop will focus primarily on…Continue Reading Zoom Bootcamp: Level up your hosting game
Zoom Bootcamp: Understanding your Zoom account
If you’re new to BC or feel like you still haven’t found time to get a handle on making the most of using your Zoom account then this workshop series is for you! Part one of this workshop will cover how to utilize your Zoom account. This workshop will focus primarily on understanding the ins…Continue Reading Zoom Bootcamp: Understanding your Zoom account