Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

Dr. Johnson is the founder and CEO of Ocean Collectiv, which is a strategy consulting firm for “conservation solutions grounded in social justice”. She is also the founder of Urban Ocean Lab. She believes that ocean conservation is not about fish, rather it is about people.


Ologies Interview

Her Mission: Figuring out how we can use the ocean without using it up.

In the TED talk below, Dr. Johnson discusses her love of coral reefs and the crisis they face.

In the video below, she explains this mission and describes strategies for implementing it.

Additional Information

Dr. Johnson has a huge body of writing about topics related to marine conservation, coastal urban communities, representation, and much more.

In this National Geographic blog post, Dr. Johnson describes a portion of her PhD research in which she outfitted fish traps with escape gaps to reduce bycatch.

In this TED-ed lesson, Dr. Johnson and Dr. Jennifer Jacquet explain overfishing and its effects on ecosystems, food security, jobs, economies, and coastal cultures.

In this TED-ed lesson, Dr. Johnson & Megan Davis discuss aquaculture and the potential to sustainable farm the ocean.