
Fall Thesis and Dissertation Workshops

Writing a thesis or dissertation takes a lot of work, and the end result is a great academic accomplishment. But even when it is written and defended, there is one last task to be truly finished – the less glamorous but important step of submitting a copy to the library. The library will make sure it is properly preserved as an academic record and will make it available to the world for free, after an embargo period if need be.

To get this process started, we have eTD@BC workshops for graduate students preparing to submit electronic theses and dissertations. This fall, there will be three sessions, one in-person and two virtual, all covering the same material.

Tuesday, October 8, 6:30 – 7:15 pm, on Zoom.
Thursday, October 10, noon – 12:45 pm, O’Neill Library 307.
Thursday, October 17, noon – 12:45 pm, on Zoom.

To register, go to Upon registration for an online workshop, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link.