Open Access Week Panel

This year for Open Access Week, the Boston College Libraries in conjunction with the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, will be hosting a panel of speakers. The panel includes Raquel Muñiz, Assistant Professor in the Lynch School; Kelly Gray, a third-year English PhD student; and Bryan Ranger, Assistant Professor in Engineering. Raquel and Bryan have also been recipients of Open Access Publishing Fund Awards – opting to ensure that their research is published fully accessible for all – rather than behind paywalls.

This year’s event will be on October 24 at 4:30pm in 245 Beacon, Room 215. Light refreshments and desserts will be served! RSVP is not required. Navigate to the Boston College Events page find out more about the event.

Open Access week is an internationally celebrated annual tradition where professionals in the publishing industry come together to reflect on the inequities of publishing for profit models, and explore models that fund scholarship more equitably, with a smaller burden for researchers who may be coming from smaller institutions with the ability to cover the costs of massive subscription fees.

Sign for Open Access Week Panel: Join us for a discussion about the future of equitable publishing and interdisciplinarity in academia. Pictures of panelists Raquel Muniz, Kelly Gray and Bryan Ranger. October 24th, 4:30 pm, 245 Beacon, Room 215.

Also for Open Access week, look for a display coming up on the third floor near the circulation desk and a new digital display.