As more and more libraries and authors are seeking open source platforms and technologies for their publishing, the need for a systematic way to consider options arises. Invest in Open Infrastructures has developed a new tool that can help practitioners decide what open source platforms might be best for a given use case.
The InfraFinder tool allows users to browse across 57 different open source platforms that have been developed for different purposes by practitioners prioritizing open models of publication. The tool has a number of different filters to effectively compare different technologies and platforms – in addition to specific information about each solution. When using the tool, a user can select up to four solutions at a time to compare across a number of categories and considerations – a very helpful way to compare open software solutions side by side.

This exciting tool is also relatively new – having been developed and released between 2023 and 2024. As more open infrastructure projects are developed and added to this tool it will become a more and more helpful place for authors and librarians to go to get a sense of what tools exist.