Consecuencias Accepted into the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) International Bibliography

For the past four years, Consecuencias has been publishing issues and articles covering different aspects of Spain’s cultural production via Boston College Libraries’ Open Access Journal portfolio. Articles in English and Spanish come together to create an interdisciplinary study of Spanish cultural artifacts, historical movements, and thought leaders. In the past year, since the beginning of the 2022 fall academic term, the relatively new journal has been downloaded 2,581 times in 68 different countries across the world in over 300 cities.

Recently, Consecuencias is also celebrating indexation in the Modern Language Association’s International Bibliography – a renowned database for scholars in the humanities, which all but assures that more researchers, authors, and students will be able to access Consecuencias publications. Not only does indexation in MLA’s International Bibliography signify that it will be reachable by those who use that database to conduct searches, indexation is also an excellent way to increase a journal’s performance around search engine optimization, as well as providing prestige and implicit accreditation, as scholars considering submitting work to an (especially open access) journal will often check where it is indexed to get a sense of its legitimacy and reach in a given discipline.

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