Associate Editor: The Mountain Geologist (The Mountain Geologist is the quarterly peer-reviewed journal
published by the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists (RMAG)).
Current Research: Pennsylvanian-aged Norfolk Basin, MA Sequence with R. H. Bailey and the Sedimentary Petrology of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in western Colorado with Mike Robbins.
Dr. Ken Galli publishes a field guide and co-leads new field trip focused on the sedimentology geology of the Boston Basin (2018):
The guide, entitled “Field guide to the sedimentology of the Ediacaran Roxbury Conglomerate, Boston Bay Group of Eastern Massachusetts” was published in conjunction with a field trip co-lead by Dr. Ken Galli and Dr. Richard Bailey (Northeastern University) for the New Hampshire Geological Society.

Figure 3. Highly schematic reconstruction of the Boston Basin during deposition of the Squantum style diamictites and associated facies (from Bailey and Galli, 2015a). In such a rugged basin a major fall in sea level exposes shelf and upper slope deposits and destabilizes portions of the outer shelf and upper slope. Rivers incise into the exposed shelf and upper slope and deliver coarse clastics directly into the deeper basin by an array of sediment gravity mass flow transport mechanisms. Not all facies illustrated in this diagram will be seen on this field trip. Note that this reconstruction is not appropriate for early and later stages in the evolution of the Boston basin (see Bailey and Bland, 2001 for a more complete hypothetical sequence of Boston basin tectonic evolution).

The manuscript, entitled “New Chemical Abrasion Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Dates from the Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation, Western Colorado: Implications for Dinosaur Evolution“, presents results of new U-Pb isotopic dating to establish the age of the top of the Brushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation.

Fig. 7. Features of Brushy Basin limestones

A. Prepared slab of uniform micrite (upper Brushy Basin at Echo Canyon). B. Slab from limestone with nodular-appearing upper surface shows brecciated fabric and replacement by chalcedony (upper Brushy Basin at Fruita Paleontological Resource Area). C. Charophyte debris (arrows) is abundant in this brecciated limestone with calcite spar-filled veins (upper Brushy Basin at Fruita Paleontological Resource Area, 40×, nicols uncrossed). D. Vitric shards (arrows) are abundant in this limestone (lower Brushy Basin at Trail of Time section, 100×, nicols uncrossed)
(Above) Figure 7 from Tanner, Lawrence H., Galli, Kenneth G., and Spencer, Lucas, Volumina Jurassica, 2014, XII (2): 115-130.

Kenison, A. R., and Galli, K. G., 1975, Power plant water temperature prediction-subjective versus computerized analysis techniques: Proceedings of 21st annual meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Anaheim, CA, p37-40. Paper presented at meeting.
Depositional Mechanisms and Paleoenvironments of Laminated Fine Grained Facies in the Ediacaran Boston Bay Group, Bailey, Richard H., and Galli, Kenneth G., 2019 Northeastern Section Meeting, Geological Society of America, Portland, ME.
Reanalysis of Depositional Mechanisms, Microfacies Sequences, and Event Stratigraphy of Squantum Diamictites and Associated Strata in the Ediacaran Boston Bay Group, Bailey, Richard H., and Galli, Kenneth G., 2015 Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Baltimore, MD.
Basin History, Depositional Mechanics, and Paleoenvironments of Mass Flow Deposits in the Ediacaran Boston Bay Group, Massachusetts, Bailey, Richard H., and Galli, Kenneth G., 2015, Northeastern Section Meeting, Geological Society of America, Bretton Woods, NH.
Tectonic Development, Facies Architecture and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of the Northeastern Norfolk Basin, Eastern Massachusetts, Galli, Kenneth G., and Bailey, Richard H., 2011 Northeastern Section Meeting, Geological Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Videos and Lectures web page