Engaging Sources (2019)

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies hosted its fifth annual International Symposium on Jesuit Studies in June 2019 at Boston College. The theme for the event was “Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus.” The keynote address was delivered by Simon Ditchfield of York University. The program featured presentations by nearly 80 other scholars, making it the largest symposium to date.


The essays below are revisions of presentations, as invited by the Institute. Each essay was subjected to a double-blind peer review and further revisions by the author. All necessary citation information for each essay appears on its downloadable pdf document. Essays will be published on a rolling basis.




Cristiano Casalini, Emanuele Colombo, and Seth Meehan


Section 1. Jesuit Sources of Self-identification

Sources used for crafting a Jesuit identity and for preserving a Jesuit past


Part 1 — Forming and Changing Identity through Print

The Voices of MemoriaDiariaHistoriae, and Annuaria as Records of Experience in the Pre-suppression Society

— Paul Shore, University of Regina


Pedro de Ribadeneira and the Use of Sources: Critical History and Hagiography in the Early Society of Jesus

— Robert L. Scully, S.J., Le Moyne College


Between Identity and History: Giovanni Antonio Valtrino and His Vocazioni meravigliose alla Compagnia di Gesù

— Irene Gaddo, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli


Giovambattista Noghera (1719–84): A Jesuit Looking Back at a Great Rhetorical Tradition

— Hanne Roer, Københavns Universitet


François Pomey’s Candidatus rhetoricae and its Revisions as Documents of the History of Jesuit Rhetorical Education

— Manfred Kraus, Universität Tübingen


Part 2 — Institutional Sources: Collections and Challenges

A Jesuit Culture of Records?: The Society of Jesus, the Life Cycle of Administrative Documents, and the Late Medieval and Early Modern History of Bureaucratic Information

— Markus Friedrich, Universität Hamburg


Jesuit Libraries in the Old and the New Society of Jesus as a Historiographical Theme

— Noël Golvers, KU Leuven


Archiving Jesuit Libraries: Past, Present, and Future

— Kyle B. Roberts, American Philosophical Society


From Tintype to Twitter: Photography at the Irish Jesuit Archives

— Damien Burke, Irish Archives of the Society of Jesus


Part 3 — Race and Memory: Recordkeeping and Slavery

A Spiritual Inheritance: Black Catholics in Southern Maryland

— Laura E. Masur, The Catholic University of America


Slaveholding and Jesuit Recordkeeping in the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, 1717–1867

— Elsa B. Mendoza, Georgetown University


“Regulations for Our Black People”: Reconstructing the Experiences of Enslaved People in the United States through Jesuit Records

— Kelly L. Schmidt, Loyola University Chicago


Part 4 — Lost Sources Found

Invisible Histories, Silenced Histories of the Philippines: The Labor Evangélica: Ministerios Apostólicos de los Obreros de la Compañía de Jesús (ca. 1701), by Father Diego de Oña, S.J. (1655–1721)

— Alexandre Coello de la Rosa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Sketching the Historical Soundscape of Sacred Music in China through Jesuit Sources

— Lionel Li-Xing Hong, Fu Jen Catholic University


The Forgotten Jesuits: The Society of Jesus in the Duchy of Modena; Between Archival Memory and New Research Trends

— David Salomoni, Universidade de Lisboa


History-keeping under Persecution: Sources from the College of Jesus of Coimbra, Discovered in 2016

— Margarida Miranda, Universidade de Coimbra

— Carlota Miranda Urbano, Universidade de Coimbra



Section 2. Sources as Windows to Jesuit and Other History

Scholars asking new questions of sources to better understand the past


Part 1 — Desiring the World: Litterae Indipetae of the Old and New Society

Litterae Indipetae (1560–1773): Introduction to the Source and Quantitative Remarks

— Emanuele Colombo, DePaul University

— Coralys Munoz-Feliciano, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

— Antonio Taiga Guterres, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies


“You only torment and upset yourself”: Replies to a Restless Writer at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century

— Elisa Frei, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies


“For the salvation of Russia”: Some Brief Remarks on Russipetae in the 20th Century

— Sabina Pavone, Università degli studi di Macerata


Part 2 — Engaging the World: Cultural Impacts

Spiritual Edification and Publishing Policies in Jesuit Work in South American Missions (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries)

— Juan Dejo, S.J., Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya


The Materiality of Catholic Resistance in Sources for the English Jesuit Mission

— Aislinn Muller, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies


Visions of Contemplation: Jesuits and Their Rhetoric of Persuasion in Japan

— Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail, Indiana University


Early Modern Jesuit Writing of History as an Inspiration for Central European Historians before 1773

— Jakub Zouhar, Univerzita Hradec Králové


Jesuit Science in America: The Bulletin of the American Association of Jesuit Scientists (1922–66)

— Francisco Malta Romeiras, Universidade de Lisboa


Part 3 — Engaging the World: Pedagogical Impacts

Philosophy at the Geopolitical Service of Mission: Coimbra Jesuits’ “Wirkungsgeographie” (1560–1730)

— Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra


The Philosophy Textbooks of Portuguese Jesuits’ Courses in the 16th-Century

— Paula Oliveira e Silva, Universidade do Porto

— João Rebalde, Universidade do Porto


The Jesuits’ Philosophical Heritage in Brazil

— Lúcio Álvaro Marques, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro


Knowledge and Personal Expectancies: Jesuit Intellectual Culture and Missionary Experience in the Early Jesuit Province of New Spain

— Hugo Zayas-González, Central Michigan University


Part 4 — Transforming Jesuit Sources

Jesuits Leaving the Classroom. A Study on the Changing Landscape of the Teaching: Workforce in Jesuit Schools in the Americas (1950–2017)

— Cristóbal Madero, S.J., Universidad Alberto Hurtado


A Plea for a Jesuit Annual Catalog Database

— Laura Madella, Università degli Studi di Parma


Jesuit Institutional Change in the 1970s: Its Impact on Jesuit Sources and Historiography, and the Future of Jesuit Archives in Francophone Africa and Europe

— Barbara Baudry, Archives Jésuites, Province d’Europe Occidentale Francophone

— Jean Luc Enyegue, S.J., Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa


Exploring the Apostleship of Prayer Collection at the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI): Between Archival Analysis and Research Perspectives

— Sergio Palagiano, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu