
Welcome to the Portal to Jesuit Studies. By using the Portal, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please contact the editors of the Portal (jesuitportal@bc.edu).



Anyone may access the Portal and its contents. Only the Portal’s editors, however, may upload content. The editors welcome contributions, comments, and corrections from all users.



All contents hosted on the Portal (the text and images on the web pages) are used with permission from the copyright holders and are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright Law. All rights are reserved to the copyright holder.



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The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies may use IP addresses, domain information, and other access statistics to analyze trends, administer its web sites, track users’ movements, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. This information is not linked to personally identifiable information. The Institute may share aggregated demographic information with third parties. Aggregate information is not linked to information that can identify a person.

Subscription lists

Through the Portal, the Institute provides subscription services, including several e-mail-based mailing lists. E-mail addresses collected in the maintenance of these lists are not shared with any person or organization outside of the Institute and its affiliates. Subscription to an Institute’s mailing list gives permission to use subscriber information in other lists owned and operated by the Institute. This Privacy Policy applies to your use of sites under the domains jesuitportal.bc.edu. This Privacy Policy does not apply to your use of any other sites operated by Boston College, the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, or affiliated or unaffiliated third-party sites to which the site may link.


In certain circumstances, and as exceptions to this Privacy Policy, we will, without notice to you, release specific information about you or your account to comply with any valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order, or in other special cases, such as, for example, an attempted breach of the security of the site or a physical threat to you or others.


We may change these policies from time to time to address new issues and reflect changes on this site and as the need arises. All changes to these policies will be posted here. Please refer to these policies regularly.