News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

The Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies is now accepting applications for a three-credit European immersion course in the summer of 2018, the first of new graduate courses offered in the field of Jesuit Studies.


These courses offered through the expanded Certificate in Jesuit Studies program present unique scholarly opportunities for participants to develop a deep, informed understanding of the spirituality, history, pedagogy, and leadership methods of the Society of Jesus and its apostolates.


The three-credit immersion course examines the historical and spiritual contexts for the foundation of the Society of Jesus. It begins with preliminary online readings and discussions and continues in July with 13 days of informed, scholarly direction through Spain and Italy. Participants immerse themselves in the key places that became the roots of the Society of Jesus and study a variety of primary sources to examine how and why the early Jesuits formed and governed their new religious order. A travel reader, daily presentations and writing assignments, and regular seminars foster thoughtful reflections on the historical and spiritual importance of each day’s theme. An annotated itinerary for our time in Europe and other course details can be found on the Institute’s website. Daily reflections from last year’s participants are also available online.


Participants earning at least 15 credits will receive a Certificate in Jesuit Studies from Boston College. Individuals not pursuing a Certificate may also apply to immersion course or future online courses in Jesuit pedagogy and Jesuit history.


The application deadline for the immersion course is February 1, 2018.

Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu (IHSI) has published an important new book on the Jesuit Irish mission. The Jesuit Irish Mission: A Calendar of Correspondence, 1566–1752, edited by Vera Moynes, is the first inventory of the correspondence between the Jesuit missionaries and the Jesuit leadership at the Curia.


According to IHSI, the single-volume book serves as “a comprehensive research tool and finding aid” to more than 2,600 “documents exchanged between the Jesuit Curia and superiors of the Jesuit Irish missions between 1566 and 1752, now preserved in Rome and Dublin.” Moynes’ summaries of the documents “provide a window onto life in Ireland and onto Irish connections with the continent in the dramatic religious and political environments of early-modern Europe.” Included in the insights contained in the letters, notes IHSI, are “news of particular ministries and administrative matters, persecutions and the dangers of communication, and shifting alliances at times of war.”


More information and ordering details are available on the IHSI website.

An important conference on the lettere indipetae was held at Torino on 5-6 December. The conference was entitled: “Le lettere indipetae come fonte per la storia della Compagnia di Gesù. Nuove prospettive di ricerca.”


The conference centered on the petitions Jesuits submitted to request missionary assignments abroad. Presenters represented institutions in Italy, Australia, the United States, the Netherlands, and Brazil.


The event took place at Fondazione Luigi Einaudi and Fondazione Michele Pellegrino. Additional sponsors included: Dipartmento di Studi Torici, Gesuiti Educazione, and Instituto Sociale.


A program of the panels and presentations appears below and is available online.


Martedì 5 dicembre

Fondazione Einaudi


  • Bartolo Gariglio, Università degli Studi di Torino, Fondazione Michele Pellegrino
  • Vitangelo Carlo Maria Denora S.J, Presidente Fondazione Gesuiti Educazione


  • Paolo Bianchini e Marco Rochini



  • Camilla Russell, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, “The Litterae Indipetae in the Making of Missionaries: Tracing a Documentary Path to the Jesuit ‘Indies'”
  • Eleonora Rai, Deakin University; Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Melbourne, “Le emozioni del cuore. Litterae indipetae e Jesuit Emotions (XIX secolo)”
  • Modera la sessione: Sabina Pavone



  • Chiara Petrolini, Università degli Studi di Parma, “Digital humanities e lettere indipetae”
  • Emanuele Colombo, Depaul University, and Marco Rochini, Fondazione Michele Pellegrino and Centro di studi di storia e letteratura religiosa
    Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, “Un progetto internazionale: la digitalizzazione delle indipetae del XIX e XX secolo”
  • Modera la sessione: Martín María Morales


Mercoledì 6 dicembre
Fondazione Pellegrino


  • Elisa Frei, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, “Consigli agli indipeti: il manuale di Pallas e le risposte dei Generali”
  • Thérèse Peeters, Leiden University, “Trust in the mission: Jesuit indipetae from Genoa, 1590-1680”
  • Modera la sessione: Girolamo Imbruglia



  • Marina Massimi, Università di San Paolo del Brasile, “Indipetae e conoscenze psicologiche”
  • Marco Rochini, Fondazione Michele Pellegrino and Centro di studi di storia e letteratura religiosa, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, “‘Il nostro stato ci fa missionari, ovunque ci troviamo, ed in qualunque offizio’: le lettere indipetae italiane del XIX secolo”
  • Modera la sessione: Guido Mongini


Introducono il dibattito

  • Paolo Bianchini, Emanuele Colombo, Niccolò Guasti, Girolamo Imbruglia, Guido Mongini, Martín María Morales, Franco Motta, Sabina Pavone