News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

Grupo de Espiritualidad Ignaciana (the Ignatian Spirituality Group) has published a new collection of writings by the first Jesuits. Escritos esenciales de los primeros jesuitas. De Ignacio a Ribadeneira includes writings on doctrine and spirituality by Ignatius and his nine companions in Paris as well as other early Jesuits–such as Francis Borgia, Jerónimo Nadal, Juan Alfonso de Polanco, Luís Gonçalves da Câmara, Peter Canisius, Baltasar Álvarez, Antonio Cordeses, Everard Mercurian, and Pedro de Ribadeneira. The volume also features materials from the first three General Congregations of the Society of Jesus.


The Spanish and Italian scholars of Grupo de Espiritualidad Ignaciana contributing to this volume are:

— José García de Castro, S.J. (the coordinator of the project)

— J. Carlos Coupeau, S.J.

— Pascual Cebollada, S.J.

— Javier Melloni, S.J.

— Diego M. Molina, S.J.

— Secondo Bongiovanni, S.J.


More information about this title is available at the Loyola Grupo de Comunición and the Society of Jesus in Europe.

The Jesuit Historiography Online features four new essays, all available in Open Access:


— Moreno Bonda, “History-Writing and the Philosophy of Language: A Proposal for the Periodization of Early Modern Jesuit Historiography.”


— Róisín Healy, “Jesuits in Germany—Post-Restoration.”


— Teodora Shek Brnardić, “From Acceptance to Animosity: Trajectories of Croatian Jesuit Historiography.”


— Chantal Verdeil, “The Jesuits and the Middle East from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day: A Historiographical Essay.”


Jesuit Historiography Online is an Open Access resource that will offer more than 70 scholarly essays that summarize the state of scholarship in the variety of fields in Jesuit Studies. The essays explore trends in Jesuit historiography and provide a nuanced, systematic, and in-depth analysis of what has been written—when, why, and by whom.

Access these essays and learn more on the Portal’s dedicated page to the historiographical project.

On April 12, the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies presents a scholarly colloquium on the Chinese Rites Controversy. Hosted in collaboration with Burns Library of Boston College, the colloquium features presentations by Elisa Frei and Eugenio Menegon.


Frei, a fellow at the Institute, and Menegon, a collaborative scholar at the Institute and an associate professor of history at Boston University, will speak about the lives of some Jesuits of the China mission who traveled across the oceans, cared deeply about the issues, took sides, played politics, and suffered dire consequences for doing so. The experiences of these missionaries represent a microcosm of the controversy and reveal its global reach as a clash of cultures and a unique phenomenon in early modern intellectual and religious history.


“Calamity from Within?: Jesuits, Papal Legates, and Chinese Imperial Envoys in the Eighteenth Century” begins at 3pm on April 12 at the Burns Library on the main campus of Boston College.


Attendees will also have a chance to review an exhibit of selected books from Burns Library’s Jesuitica collection that are related to the controversy.


The event is free and open to the public. To RSVP, please visit this website.