News in Jesuit Studies

The following are notices of significant events related to the field of Jesuit Studies.
The notices appear chronologically, and all entries are indexed into the Portal’s search capabilities.
To contribute news of significant publications and events, both recent and forthcoming, please contact the Portal’s editors (

Jesuit Sources announces a discounted bundle of 6 books on the early Jesuits. The collection includes the writings of Ignatius, Xavier, Farve and others.


Supplies are limited. The 6 books are offered for only $50, plus shipping–a savings for nearly 70%.


Titles, all in paperback, include:


  • A Brief and Exact Account: The Recollections of Simão Rodrigues on the Origins and Progress of the Society of Jesus
  • Spiritual Writings of Pierre Favre
  • Walking in the Spirit: A Reflection on Jerónimo Nadal’s Phrase “Contemplative Likewise in Action”
  • Year by Year with the Early Jesuits (1537–1556): Selections from the “Chronicon” of Juan de Polanco, S.J.
  • The Letters and Instructions of Francis Xavier
  • The Life of Ignatius of Loyola


More information and ordering details are available at

The Leuven Chinese Studies, published by the Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, has just released its 40th volume, Ferdinand Verbiest, Postulata Vice-Provinciae Sinensis in Urbe proponenda: A blueprint for a renewed SJ mission in China. The book is edited by Noël Golvers. 


According to the publisher, the book highlights a series of requests that Verbiest, as the China Mission’s vice provincial, issued to Superior General Giovanni Paolo Oliva in 1680.  Verbiest’s requests, “which partly repeat longstanding complaints from the mission, posed again on the occasion of its centennial jubilee and at a moment when opportunities appeared limitless, yet constrained by the juridical and structural framework of the Vice-Province.”


“More than in any other document,” as the publisher notes, “these postulata show that Verbiest deserved the title of ‘pillar of the mission’, for his talent at forceful argumentation, using all possible means to strengthen the China mission’s position, especially by freeing it from the Japan Province and promoting it to the level of a full Province within within the Society of Jesus.”


The table of contents appear below. Orders are available through . More details about the Leuven China Studies are available online at


Table of contents:

Acknowledgements (7)

1. Introduction

1.0. General presentation (9)

1.1. Codicological presentation (11)

1.2. Archival presentation (14)

1.3. Typological presentation (14)

1.4. Context and direct background (16)

1.5. Contents of the Postulata (30)

1.6. Couplet in Rome (36)

1.7. Bibliography (39)

2. Text: edition and translation (53-101, Latin/English)

3. Commentaries (103-173) [endnotes to the translation]

4. Indices (177-184) [of text and commentaries]

5. Appendices:

5.1 Translation of Latin fragments quoted in the notes (187-201).

5.2 Documents (203-227) [ The 1666 Postulata; Gabiani’s letters on the 1681 ‘Iubilaeum’ ]

5.3 Facsimile edition (229-248) [ARSI, Congr. Prov. 81, ff. 219a-l]​

Xavier Centre of Historical Research in Goa hosted a two-day symposium on “Tracking Jesuit Ministries in India – History and Progress (Post-Restoration Period).”


Held on July 12-13, 2018, the event featured 10 scholarly papers examining Jesuit ministries after 1814. Scholars represented the fields of education, ecology, theology, aesthetics, Christian-Muslim dialogue, subaltern development, spirituality, and others, according to the XCHR’s facebook page.


Roland Coelho, S.J., the provincial of the Jesuits’ Goa Province, and Vinayak Jadav, S.J., of St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, delivered keynote addresses.


More information about the XCHR is available at